The Church of Aelalin

The Church of Aelalin is the primary organized religion for the majority of the human race in Ethel. Founded by Orin Cudmore following his meeting with Aelalin herself, it has grown into the largest organized religious group on both continents. While this is simply due to the widespread nature of humans across the lands, its importance politically, economically and socially cannot be overstated.   The Church has had many schisms following the death of Orin, and as a result there are multiple methods and intensities in which worshippers follow their Goddess. However, due to their divergent pasts, many traditions and rituals are strikingly similar across most sects. The Summer and Winter solstices, the Day of Eclipse, the Harvest Moon and Orin's birthday are the most important holidays in the Church and are celebrated in every sect, yet each sect has their own holidays that they observe and sometimes share with other sects as well. The vast majority of people who worship Aelalin are steadfast in their faith, believing that Orin's interactions with the diety have proven her virtue and power.  

Notable Sects


Followers of the Good Book

The Followers of the Good Book are the most populous sect of the Church. They follow the Good Book in its most literal sense, taking its word as law. They are considered by most to be the oldest sect of the Church. Because of the Good Book's overall benevolent teachings, most Followers are friendly, good-natured people who try to do the right thing and appease Aelalin to the best of their ability. They place great importance in hospitality and peace and posess a great fear of corruption, viewing the practice of such magics as wicked and evil. Despite their fear of corruption, Followers are rather tolerant, and accept most other races and religions within their fold so long as they don't appear to pose a threat to their way of life.  


The Oathtakers are a small sect of the Church, located in Grimtorn Castle. Their commitment to their faith is so unrivalled by the other sects that it has developed to the point of xenophobia and ignorance. The Oathtakers claim to be the spiritual and nominal descendents of Orin's Oathtakers, who served as his primary inquisitors and paladins during the Crusade. While the majority of the other sects have become much more tolerant of other peoples and religions over time, the Oathtakers still hold firmly onto the ideals of the Crusade. Humans who are not members of the Church are heretics and must be Shown the Light. In addition, all races other than humans are viewed as subhuman and are treated with incredible disdain. Corrupt weilding of the Gescræft is explicity forbidden, and any users discovered by the Oathtakers will be immediately purged from the Mortal Plane.
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