The Time of Magical Subjucation - till 250 AD

The first 250 years AD is known as the Time of Magical Subjucation:   As the Gods and other Planar Forces bestowed their power to Common People. The small city states that were able to exist grow in Power able to combat the Wizard in their towers.  With the power of the Wizard diminished by the Elemental Barrier, their Magicks greatly reduced had a choice find a place to join the new World, or die defending their Bastions.  Most Wizardly Overlords and Necromancers perrished by great heroes and armies. Some wizards already were close to society, those wizards that didn't enslave those around them mostly chose to join the City States.   In the roughly 250 years after Descencion vast Empires rose to power and fell. However most of the current Nations of Ethelas have their roots in The aftermath of the Time of Magical Subjucation. Some nations abolished the use of Elemental Magicks, however none of the could keep their own against nations that found a place for Wizards.   Most Wizards are bound to the country they serve, they are monitored by the Temples, Royalty and usually are connected by Academies, Guilds, or other collectives.


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