The Veil and The Wheel

The Veil is what the barrier between the Gods and the Material Plane (this world) is called. It's not only holding back the Gods, but all of the Outer Planes. It keeps out the conflict of the Outer Planes and The Astral Sea. It is that which keeps equilibrium between the Outer and Inner Planes.
  Study of the Outer Planes and the Veil is new. However the influence of all of the Outer Planes is felt all over Ethelas. From Modron Marshes to now souls being condemmed to the Nine Hells or saved to reach Elysium.
  At the centre of it all is a place called "the Wheel". Only scholars and Mages speak of the Wheel and study it. It's not well known except for stories and plays where it is mentioned and most people just go along with it. It's the true centre of the Multiverse where all Outer Planes meet.


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