The Viridis Freefolk

The Viridis Freefolk is the common name for all that inhabit(ed) the once peacefull and Idyllic Viridis Archipelago. The Viridis Freefolk are part of alliance of Island cities and towns. The formed an alliance to keep maintain a form of coördinated defence. With the Council of Freefolk working together to resolve disputes, work on trade relations. However the main focus is to keep every island to it's own laws and customs. Over time this alliance grew more closely, allthough keeping their independance as 'Freefolk', in reality they all keep to mostly the same ideals.  Customs varied over every island, and friendly rivalries are maintained this part of the Inner Ocean was stable and peaceful for more than 150 years. Even though pirates and raiders are a danger and threat. Having large raids in these years. However after such a raid mostly goods came, but in the last century Freefolk were captured as slaves as well. This all changed... When the The Viridis Maelstrom was unleashed the central Isles got decimated by tsunami waves and storms. Those that were able to flee on fishing rafts or large trading vessels escaped the inner isles. But as the onslaught continued the Inner Ocean became more treacherous to traverse. Quickly after the appearance of the Maelstrom the Elemental Dominion started to raid and destroy the villages of the Viridis Archipelago. Most of the Isles of the Viridis Archipelago got abbandoned in the following months, and so the Viridis Freefolk became refugees. Most of them sought refuge in the nearest bigger Island group of The Basalt Mountain Isles. A group of large vulcanic Isles with the Freeport of Liberté. A haven for pirates and other outlaws, however not raiders or slavers. The aid and disposition was psuhed by the dwarven a community that have made their home in these Vulcanic mountains as well.   The Freefolk were welcomed after the disastrous events of The Maelstrom and the rising conflict with the Elemental Dominion Elves of Ly'Ze'Dir. Now they are tolerated on in Liberté. Some have started to make their home on the isles near the central Islands of the Basalt Mountains. Some are trying to improve Liberté, some want to fight back The Elemental Dominion, and some are disheveled, lost, depressed and defeated. They are refugees and scattered across other islands and even the mainland kingdoms. The coming of these refugees brought an influx of news and the threat of Ly'Ze'Dir.   Another effect was that some people found that the Freefolk were punished for their Godless ways. In some countries, especially Drothea, these refugees are rejected as nothing more as an influx of lawless pirates. The Freefolk are seen as part of the Pirates and raiders of the Inner Ocean. The current connection with Liberté didnt improve this view of the Freefolk.


Shared customary codes and values

A true sense of liberty and freedom is the most common shared code. Be part of the community be as usefull as is possible for you. Make an effort and you are free to do whatever you want as long as you dont hurt others or yourself. There is no fealty or tax, a lord to rule over you. There is the Island Council (each island) and the alliance Council of Freefolk. Councilmembers are chosen and have no other authority than to represent the Island. Punishment can be a fine, forced labour, and in extreme cases banishment.


Beauty Ideals

One of the beauty ideals of the Freefolk is that of those who are tanned, lean, and athelic. Being active in life and having the scars and other signs of a productive life is considered a sign of strength. The universal ideals of symmetry, fitness and health are also liked. A part of the culture is that of wooden polished jewelry, pearls, and beautiful sea shells. Clothing is woven linnen, pratical, and addorned with collorful patterns. Sea going Freefolk are influenced by tradeports and the tattoos that are the norm there. Tattoos are common on other Island groups but is for some a beauty standard for some.   These Tattoos usual picture parts of the Island one is from. The Symbol of this island in the Viridis Archipelago, this way of tattooing is only found on the Viridis Archipelago.

Gender Ideals

The Genders are equal and all are free to do what they are passionate about. If you don't bother others with it, and hopefully usefull to others.


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