Vaneska Pretor - Head of the Eximian Automaton Guild Character in Ethelas | World Anvil

Vaneska Pretor - Head of the Eximian Automaton Guild

Vaneska Pretor is/was a 49-year old human female, she is head of the new and upstart guild of the Eximian Automatons Guild (EAG). She is the head researcher and co-founder of the guild. Vaneska is a skilled Artificer and is doing groundbreaking research to build Arcane Automatons that are used as guardians (Shield Guardians) but also Automaton servants. She is motivated to develop these technologies further and as the first prototypes are roaming the streets of The Flying City of Eximia.   She has been traveling the world to search for ancient Magicks and Inventions. During these travels she encountered a lost Wizard Tower of a necromancer. Within these unholy halls she found a way to combine the use of Automatons and Souls. Letting her automatons gain (or trap) a soul. As she found these notes on necromancy she quickly retreated back to Eximia. In her own workshop she is now developing a way to trap and store souls of those who she finds 'wastefull' into these Automatons to make them more capable. Erazing memories but retaining skills and increasing the efficiency of the Eximian Automatons. Developing new version that are even more capable. She used those 'wastefull members of society' in The Shadowed city: The Qual underneath the Flying City.   She abducted those who would not be missed. The homeless, bandits, thiefs, and anyone else through a corrupted part of the city guard.    Durian's plot worked for the most part, however he never understood the complex Arcane Sigils and Runes. The Ritual was incomplete, the Binding of the Soul worked, but not the Subjucation of the Soul. Vaneska was transfered into the Automaton but retained her identity and memories. When Vaneska activated and was sentient she swiftly took revenge on Durian. Ripping her former confedant and co-founder apart. After the carnage she fled the Guild and Eximia all together. She has to start over again, in the immortal body, however maintainance is needed. Can she start over, and what will she do with the abilities and knowledge she has.


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