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True Dragon

Born directly from Night the 5 true dragons are the most powerful beings in existance. it takes 2 to 3 active gods in order to contend with a single dragon simply in aura quantity, let alone output control and magical understanding. Even all 5 gods at once would be hard pressed to come out on top against one of the dragons. their only hard counter is each other. True dragons have no gender binary, however they have taken to thinking of night as their mother. When transforming into other races they can easily take on either role and even reproduce, though it is unclear whether they can do so with each other. This results in the Greater Dragon species. a large classification of any race of monster/person that has a requisite amount of pure dragon blood. The mechanism is unknown, but dragons have an innate sense for the purity of their bretheren, and a instinctual subservience to those above them, especially the 5 princes. When the blood gets diluted even thinner from there you get Lesser Dragons. These beings are purely physical with little innate magical ability, maintaining the reputation of a dragon in appearance only.    All of creation recognizes the true dragons as their rightful master on a subconcious level. The world was designed for them to explore it and they designed to experience it's pleasures in Night's place. It is possible for both gods and mortals of strong will to overcome this pressure, but no one can ignore the sheer magesty exhuded by their presence. Many cults have popped up over the years worshiping this or that dragon. Largely this goes unnoticed or unnapreciated by the dragon in question. one time ruby accidentally destroyed a whole civilization built on his back while he was taking a nap. Since Diamond Storm the dragons have mostly refrained from seriously interfering in worldly affairs. believing it their duty to experience and enjoy the world as it progresses in new directions no dragon ever would have expected. By doing this they hope to honor their mother who created them for this very reason. to be happy, to become what she was lacking.

Basic Information


True Dragons are beings composed of pure magic, save for their core gemstone. They do take physical forms based on their preference but can alter them should they chose to. They can always be recognized however by their characteristic Gemstone appearing somewhere on their body

Genetics and Reproduction

There are only 5 true dragons born from Night but their energy has mixed with that of the earth to spawn several species of lesser dragons.
Genetic Descendants

Articles under True Dragon


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