Alida discovers the prophecy

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  At first, this looks just like a pointy stone and I’m about to dismiss is. But upon close inspection, there appears to be some writing in the corner. Intrigued, I dig into the dry earth with my hands. But the years of drought turned the ground into a hard solid.   Thankfully, as an aspiring blacksmith, I dutifully carry around my toolbag everywhere I go. So with a bit of help from the tools, I expose a stone … tablet of sorts?   By now, a small group has gathered, drawn in by the prospect of a small distraction from everyday life. A few support me getting this tablet out of the ground.   Nobody around can read the script, but I remember our blacksmith having a few books on ancient texts. We use them mostly for ornamental carvings, but maybe they come in handy?   Back at our home, I rummage through our (very small) library and find the Beginners Guide to Ancient Scripts. That’s exactly the book we need right now.  

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