Summer Camp 2022 Pledge Document

Written by Tatze

This is the second year of Summer Camp that I'll participate in. The world has grown and I was able to write some articles within the last few events in 2021 - Summer Camp, Spooktober, Mapvember and WorldEmber. Like last year the main goal for the Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2022 is to make progress and get inspired.  

Creative Goal and Motivation

The creative goals for the project and world Etheriel remain the same as last year. However, the priorities have shifted mainly towards the creation and exploration aspects. As a reminder, the set goals for Etheriel are:
  1. Create an immersive world that is suitable and usable for follow-on projects of various kinds.
  2. Actively create and explore a fictional world through a non-GM adapted RPG system.
  3. Reduce stress levels and improve mental health through storytelling in a fictional world.
  The creative goal for summer camp is to expand the build areas of last year so that they are more lively and possibly more realistic and immersive.  

Challenge Goal

In 2021, I achieved the silver badge last minute due to unexpected tasks and projects with higher priorities. Because of that, I finished summer camp rather stressed out. I completed most of the prompts with the thought: "I need to get this done!" not what I've hoped for, with "I want to explore and write more about it!".   With last year in mind, I aim for the copper achievement to prevent the stressed feeling from last year. I'll keep the option to write more and finish a higher achievement if there is still spare time. A list of completed articles can be found within the Summer Camp 2022 Completion Tracker.  


I noticed last year that I prefer to write articles based on a theme rather than specific prompts. Creating prompts around themes is a great idea, and I hope that I'll be able to finish more prompts because of it. For some of the last year's prompts, I found it tricky to come up with something in my world that fits the prompts' boundaries and the set template.  


I have a few locations in my main worldbuilding area where I can place and create expanses. Examples would be:  


The leadership theme is possibly the most difficult of the four for me as the world isn't elaborate yet. So far, I've mostly thought of the basics like
  • a place to live for our main characters
  • the most common jobs and items
  • a base belief
  • a few organizations that control and monitor the creation and access to specific items
  • to a minor extend food and traditions
Cultural, political or economic leaders were out of scope until now, but I'll try to integrate and weave the prompted leaders into the currently known world.  


As the world is still in its infancy, many things are waiting to be discovered and to influence the inhabitants of Etheriel for the better or worse. The discoveries aren't necessarily previously lost but not built yet. The main areas for discoveries are currently medicine, food, soul energy, tools, and items.  
There are currently only a few conditions thoroughly researched and successfully treatable. Within medicine and herbalism, there are a few areas that can be discovered or further explored, like
  • conditions and diseases
  • preventive measures
  • treatments like plants or therapies
Soul Energy
The foundation of soul energy is laid out though there is a lot more to discover like spell classes and abilities, refuges and the overall soul energy access distribution between the creatures of Etheriel.
A few food items, alongside their base materials and creation processes, are more or less detailed and documented. Most of the knowledge regarding food and nutrition is still hidden behind the veil of unknowingness.  
Tools and Items
There are a few known tools that are used for various work-related processes. Most of the tools and items that one would use throughout its life are undescribed or completely unknown.


The monstrous theme is the second in line for possibly challenging themes as I'm struggling to write about and, above all, exciting and plausible conflicts. I have one place, named the Shadow Lair, with a few associated characters that belong beyond legality within Etheriel. Other than that, I haven't delved into conflict and monstrous things.  

Writing Time

The writing time will vary from day to day. From Monday to Friday I'll write in the early morning or afternoon due to work hours. On the weekend, it can be planned into the schedule freely depending on the home tasks and side projects that need to be done beforehand.   The time required per prompt depends on the theme and its complexity. Therefore, the final writing time can only be set after the prompt reveal.

Articles under Summer Camp 2022 Pledge Document


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