Empathic Item

One of many phenomenon that appear to be exclusive or nigh exclusive to Yalasra's solar system.   Some objects, after prolonged use by a sapient creature with non-mundane abilities (magical, psionic, or supernatural in nature), occasionally attain a degree of sentience of their own. These objects do not acquire conscious minds in the general sense of the term, being closer to plants than much else, but possess the capacity to feel emotion and sometimes even pain.   They lack self-awareness, but can recognize people who've handled them before, and are capable of a limited degree of self-governance - if the object does not wish to be used by someone, in most cases it is capable of forcing the person to drop them.   Empathic items can be any type of object, but are most often weapons or articles of clothing that their primary owner has developed a strong attachment to.
Item type
Very Rare

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel