Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)



Clearcut is a WorldBiotic Inc. devised fungicide utilizing intelligent protein-chains to target specific species of invasive fungus or corralum. The compound found immediate use by Colonists and cities in order to control overgrowth; a constant threat to settlements big and small.

After the Lacuna, the rights to Clearcut were purchased by Victory Corp who use it for terraformation, pest, and weed control.

Clearcut can be applied via a hand-held applicator, poured into plumbing, or dispersed at distance through launchers or Kinetic slings.

It feels like a mixed message when you pour our some Clearcut, smell a lovely licorice and then watch as it dissolves an entire car's worth of corralum in less than a minute.

Amazing how good we are at making death smell nice.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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