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The charismatic host who designed the Geyser chamber that keeps Gomorrah Sands alive.
Big and slimy prairie dogs created to help bring life to the desert
A tunnel city built through the mountains of Nova Braga, in the center a massive geode that hosts constant parties.
It's like marriage, but without religion!
Dedications are the name of the small rituals to Hedon that occur in Hedon clubs.
A Desolate desert sat above a volcanic hotbed. Geysers form oasis, and dark sands are formed from the erosion of metamorphic rock. What survives, must be adapted to do so.
A genetically modified kind of Human native to Gilgamesh's Rest on Nova Braga, designed to survive the heat.
A Terms of Service for using Hedonite facilities. Follow the rules or suffer the consequences.
Hedonite Shields are the groups dedicated to protecting high-ranking Hedonite officials. They come from many walks of life and in all sorts of skillsets.
A stabby knife with a special surprise inside!
A massive weaponized eruption that killed thousands of soldiers and threw Nova Braga into a decade-long volcanic winter.
The Primary Antagonistic Force of Valoo, a foe of unknown build and size.
Many rumors spread amongst the Kaingan people on the nature of their threat.
A Rumored Seed Vault buried beneath the Waimana Valley.
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