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Aempian Hydra Class Airship

The first line of serviceable jet aircraft brought into Aempian military control. Salvages from The reverse engineer vessels were slow, fuel-inefficient, and had low reliability, but marked a new Era of Aempian air superiority on Jhoutai.

The Military Parade started off as normal, heavy tanks, artillery, mortar brigades, and Meta-batallions. An ear shuddering crack and roar brought everyones eyes upwards to the sky. A squadron of metal angular teardrops ripped through the sky at previously unseen speeds.

The crowd watched in silence at first, bewildered, before erupting in cheers and applause. Aempis had brought the first Jet Aircraft to Jhoutai.

The new era of Aempian Air Superiority had begun, raised from the ashes of humanity.

Tr'ravesh Air Base Recovery

Buried under rubble and overgrowth in the center of the San Joaquin Valley, the ruins of one of the largest Air Bases of Pre-Advent humanity remained hidden until uncovered by Aempian Archeologists. The remains of multiple jet aircraft and their maintenance facilities gave Aempis a huge boost to their development of their own jet engine technology.

Dubbed the Tr'ravesh Air Base based on historical mapping, the excavation included three preserved jet aircraft cargo ships and two fighter jets.

Conscripted Engineers

Aempian Engineering had not entirely caught up with Human mechanics, and so a bounty was put out for Human mechanics to help Aempis reverse engineer the salvaged crafts.

Interplanetary Production

Some of the parts for the original Hydra aircraft were lifted straight from the buried hangers in order to simplify the original production. Aempis needed to make a show of it's new powers before their neighbors, such as Valuser'rh & Valdutan, felt Aempis becoming weak from holding onto Earth as a territory.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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