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Akotan Khandea

Akotan Khalur Tor Khandea was the first Emporer of Aempis. He lead the revolt against the Valuser'ran Supremacy and against his brother Azaki, who reigned over the land as its prefect.

When the Supremacy was driven out, he took over as the monarch of the prefecture, renamed it to Aempis (after the philosophies of Aemphus, who believed that a educated and healthy population was key to having many Monoliths), and appointed a provisional government of the matriarchs and patriarchs of every major family, and allowed the citizens to vote on which to keep.

Akotan was the serving emporer during the Advent War, and approved the use of Torkh Sajhu Veath against human cities, a choice which reportedly haunted him until his assassination during the Rilaemshi War.

Cover image: ValuSelu Pact Default Cover by Ademal


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