Arrow Lodge

A subfaction of the Circle of Ozahn whose core beliefs call for the preservation and balance of nature. They are counter balance to the Fang Lodges, consisting of the hunters who seek domination over nature rather than cooperation.

The Vanthric Haimarchy will often commision or fund Arrow Lodge Letokenda to operate preserves or established colonies. It's a win/win for both factions. The Haimarchy gets a new world to work with, and the Letokenda of the Arrow Lodge get a new home to expand to.




— Arrow Lodge Mantra
Parent Organization


Respect Tempers Might

The Arrow Lodge guides itself on a respect for the natural order. Hunting is still very much who they are, but only to sustain and maintain balance.

Preserve the Natural Order

The Arrow Lodge believes that by trying to dominate the ecosystem, the truly sustainable solution is destroyed.

The Natural Order

For the first time in years, the jungle is silent.

No cutting, no shouting, no slams of falling trees, or the roar of Meissner Engines.


Bittersweet like an unripe fruit.

No doubt there would be a blood bath just a kilometer down the path. Machines and people both ripped limb from limb.

We warned them, we warned them of the blessing of Taboo protects these trees.

They said they were equipped to handle it, and even offered us payment for protection, like we were a House of Fangs.

Weeks of progress, they scorched the corralum, forced back the Tonagra and Laughing Night.

We noticed the change immediately in our hunts. The normal pattern was disrupted. We found more and more trails patrolling the camp of prospectors. The predators stopped having their spats from domination, forming an unspoken truce to deal with a far greater threat.

The next few nights we spent in the comfort of our lodge, doors and windows secure as the red moon lifted in the sky.

We heard the screams, even through the muffling trees. Gunshots, frequent at first, then sporadic, and by the second night nothing.

My Letomont and I stepped outside, filtered sunlight glinting through the trees. Peace filled our hearts, and nature licked it wounds.

And the Jungle is silent.

Background generated via MidJourney


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Jul 23, 2024 13:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I think I agree with them more than the Fang Lodges. The prose is great - I like the line 'bittersweet like an unripe fruit'.

Jul 23, 2024 21:49 by Barron

And there was a typo too! Haha! I'm glad you liked it!

Jul 27, 2024 00:58 by Oscar

Love this article. Agree with Serukis, prose is fantastic, concept is a little haunting, and I loved that line, and the wrap-up is satisfying.

Jul 27, 2024 03:06 by Barron

Thanks cool dude <3

Aug 22, 2024 03:05 by Barron

I did good. Good job me. Too bad you can't win this category, you big winner you.

Aug 27, 2024 01:04 by Desdemona Rose

This was a great article, I love the formatting of the page. Like the other commenters, I'm definitely team Arrow Lodge. "Laughing Night," is also a great name for a creature.   I really like that there was some info, but we got a lot of what they stand for through a story and the changes that they're witnessing. Great article.

Aug 27, 2024 04:49 by Barron

Why thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed the article! And if only the Laughing Night was as cute as it's name. Things a bunch of teeth with legs.   And I'm glad you enjoyed the little story! Was the fun part of writing this!

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