Bleakform: Ashen Fractures

Ashen Fissures is a Bleak Mutation which leaves the Bleakheart permanantly pale and undersized. Sunlight is sickening, and injuries to their body — including sun damage — cause their skin to break out in small fissures which at first mirror the breaking of porcelain but which more closely resemble a dried riverbed as the condition worsens and the fissures widen. These fissures are full of dark, irritating scabbing that degrades into a dark ash and falls away perpetrually rather than healing correctly. If left unchecked, the bleakform will only get progressively worse.

Internal damage can be especially sickening and debhilitating to the Bleakheart, but medical intervention can prevent their bleakform from harming them more than the wound already has.

The best way to treat it is to dispel the Bleakheart, then treat them with steroids and topical healants to gradually restore them to a healthy page.

If the Bleakheart becomes enlightened or fully healed, their fissures may heal into shimmering scars.

Malcolm hissed in pain as she traced her digits across the dark cracks in her pallid skin. The edges felt calloused to her fingertips, but raw as an exposed nerve all the same. Watery grey discharge clung to the grooves of her fingerprint and wept downwards. She looked closely at it, and saw the black and grey specs of ashen scabs.

It took everything in her will to

Play a Royal: Negate a minor injury, gain 1 Bleak.

Malcolm by MidJourney

We have good news and bad news. The good news is that you're getting a disease named after you.

— Brad Sherwood
Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species


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