Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)



A tunnel city between Gilgamesh's Rest and the rest of Nova Braga, Car'ridonia is a mining town built through a massive seeded geode. The Geode is nestled in a mountain range, and is as wide as ten football fields. The Geode was immediately protected by the Federation as a national monument, but many say this was only possible due to the large crystal deposits that are outside the geode as well.

There are three unique districts in the city of Car'ridonia, there is the Westside District, Eastside District, and the Geode district. The districts match their location in the tunnel. Eastside District connects out to the deslote sands of Gilgamesh's Rest, Westside connects to the Transit hub and the rest of Nova Braga.

The Geode District consists of a giant dome of crystals that that sparkle and refract the lights of the district. The Geode District is a tourism district sporting a hanging stadium for concerts and shows, and several clubs that dot the cleared spaces.

Meta Absorbtion

The Original Design

The Fall of the Masonic Society

The Rise of Tourism


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