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The Comradering is not just an item of affection, it is a declaration of your belief in someones character, and a symbol that you trust them inheriently to take executive action for you. Each citizen of the Syndicate is afforded one, choose yours wisely.

The Comradering is the physical manifestation of a Andromeda Syndicate social contract. The ring is intended to be worn on the hand in public, or at least kept within safe possession. Emblazoned with (LOGO DESCRIPTION NEEDED). Giving out a comradering establishes another individual as your closest associate in a legal definition. They can act as your benefeciary, arbiter, and declare your companionship for a tax exemption.

Comraderings are not a one-way transaction, both parties must accept each others rings. The acceptance of Comraderings can be a small or a large affair, but a celebration is always held after the rings are minted by the Treasury.

All Comraderings have to be minted by the Syndicate treasury with a small fee that increases gradually based on the cost of the ring.

They come in a mix of materials from ultra-durable polymer to precious metals like platinum and gold. Individual rings can be commissioned and sent to be verified by the Syndicate.

Fingers Matter

Cover image: Jupiter Syndicate Default Cover by Ademal


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