Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)



A processed bar of Faur'ridar'ru Fungus mixed with fat, Subnivean berries, and spices. The bars are simple to make and when properly prepared last years.

On a cold night, on a scorching day. In the rain, sleet, fungus, or snow. A Fozzabar will always be ready to give you what you need to keep going.

This recipe has kept Faur'ridar'ru prepared for millenia, and it can do the same for you.


The Fozzabar came to be during the first Nasyk occupation of what would become Faur'ridar'ru. No single name has ever been attributed to the Bars invention, but one of the earliest historical texts has it served by a "Fozzal Lr'rana" who created the bars for the parties who combed the glaciers for resources.

The Bar was simple to make, dried meat, tallow, crushed berries, and cultivated fungus. The combined paste was heated and pushed into molds. Once cooled, they were dipped in a wax to keep the bar sealed.

This seal and the ingredients in the bar prevented any sort of rot and also prevented any smell. Food that had an aroma to it was likely to attract unwanted attention. The predators that call the Faru'ri'daru their home all share strong senses of smell.

Fozzabars continued to be made with the same ingredients as they are easy to cultivate and produce.


Fozzabars are high in Protein and Vitamin D, Keratin, and Vitamin C. The fats provide long term fuel and the berries also carry a good helping of antioxidant.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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