Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)


Hedonite Shields

Hedonite Shields are the groups dedicated to protecting high-ranking Hedonite officials. They come from many walks of life and in all sorts of skillsets. Some are Meta wielders, some are skilled with blade and gun, others keep their charge mentally secure. The variation is all at the mercy of the person being protected as they reserve the right to choose who they want to guard them.

The only exception to this rule is that a higher ranking Hedonite can elect to have someone join a Shield service. This is often used as a way for higher-ranking members to keep tabs and open communication with those they are in charge of.

Shields are required to work together, operating in a squad to ensure the comfort and protection of their assigned charge.

As we walked towards the Shejlt-Rajh in her long flowing red and gold robes, three figures flanked us from the sides and front. We found ourselves blocked from continuing, at least not before answering questions.

The three beared the same style of clothing as the Sheljt, albiet more utilitiarian and the glint of a golden apple set on black glinted over their heart. They introduced themselves as the guards of the Baron, and asked what purpose we had in our approach.

I sensed that lying wouldn't work.



Hedonite Shields use a variety of equipment. While some are armed with gun, blade, and wand, others may fight with only their mind and bare hands. There are many variables involved, such as the wealth of the charge, the desired conspicuousness of their position, and what threats are active.

Cover image: Apple of Hedonism Banner by Grace Gittel Lewis


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Aug 19, 2024 20:49 by Marjorie Ariel

They sound very powerful. I like the quote.

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