Shrieker Blade

Shrieker Blades are a family of weapon originally devised and still used for fighting and dispatching dangerous wildlife. Consisting of a blade component and a firing mechanism, the Shrieker blade is intended to be stabbed into a target and triggered.

The trigger releases a burst of super-compressed air through Pneumatics. The Air hisses through the blade and into the stab wounds, causing an uncontrollable eruption of air.

The blade gets its name not from the explosive bang of the mechanism firing, but rather from the short banshee shriek the pneumatics make when the blade recharges.

While the blade is intended to be used for protection against creatures, it is plenty effective when deployed against any hard target with a soft interior.


Multiple, original unknown.

Founding Sophont
Original Purpose


A Stabby Surprise

The original designed purpose of the Shrieker blade was to pentrate the hardened joints of Rutas and blast apart their muscle and tissue with a payload of air.

It proved effective especially when affixed to poles, and soon became a common weapon for the Exterminator facing off against Jhoutai's predatory fauna.

While it isn't commonly used in sophontic combat, it has a place for its shock and awe. Being stabbed by a Shrieker blade is not good, and is frequently fatal if not life-alteringly traumatizing.

Ja-guen bellowed an angry snarl, rage driving the blade into the hilt.

A hiss of air dominated Ja-guen’s ears, the warmth of blood coating his face as the pneumatic knife ejected its payload of metaphysically compressed air into the skull cavity of the Tonagra.

The Tonagra’s skull cracked and deformed. Visceral pops of bone and soft-tissue being shredded wrenched forward a sick satisfaction for Ja-guen. His Ah'hei flared, flooding him with dopamine.

Cover image: Shrieker Blade by Joel Wennerholm


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