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Spellbind Manacles

Spellbind Manacles are a technology used in a variety of applications both voluntary and involuntary. The technology works by drawing and dispelling the meta from whatever is wearing it. Some models of Brace are used to keep Meta to lower levels while others are intended to dispell a soul in it's entirity.

Spellbind Manacles were first invented to be used in the punishment for the incarcerated or parolees to ensure they do not have access to meta.

In modern times, Spellbing Manacles are also used to reduce the Meta-level of a person. It is a common treatment for symptoms or to prevent onset of Metaphysical diseases such as Selfcasting Meta Disorder. Manacles are also worn in public by many to prevent the casting of powerful spells in public areas.

Some professions, especially those that entail being Hollow require the use of a Manacle to ensure a soul does not respark at an inopportune moment.

Always remember your Manacale in the case of an Auric emergency. Put it on, wait for thirty seconds, and then you should feel a emptiness that lets you know you are Hollow. That will make it much safer to enter haunted areas without being affected.

Exorcist Training Guide


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Aug 23, 2024 21:45 by DM SIr Swank99

Every setting needs a set of magic-dampening cuffs of some kind. I love how its also used to save people from the disorder. Great work.

Aug 25, 2024 05:29 by Barron

Why thank ya! :)

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