The Huckleberry Cataclsym Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ethnis | World Anvil

The Huckleberry Cataclsym

During the The Melancholic Lacuna, The Huckleberry volcano, dormant since the settlement of Nova Braga, erupted catastrophically. The Explosion resulted in magmabombs and pyroclastic flows that annihalated was powerful enough to remove the entire upper section of the mountain peak. and filled in Gilgamesh's Rest with a several foot deep layer of debris, ash, and silt.

The eruption was caused by the interference of a Metaphysical Artillery Core. The volcano erupted like a nuclear blast, the final deadly event at The Battle of Huckleberry Ridge. Besides ending the battle, the resulting explosion caused a shutdown of terraformers, reduced agriculture, and dropped temperatures by several dozen degrees.

Only the most populated and self-sufficent population centers survived unscathed from the aftermath. Even in the Banner Era, the tramatic event causes occasional Auric Echos to manifest around the base of the Volcano.

Explosive Force
80 Megatonnes on TNT
Huckleberry Ridge
Summit Before Eruption
Summit After Eruption
Trigger Event
Metaphysically Induced 7.0 Quake
Lahars, Pryoclastic Flows, and Debris Avalanches

Take Heed— on this site thousands lost their lives in the terroristic attack on Federation values.

Pay respect, stay on the trails, do not loot.

Report any unfounded mental duress or panic to the site Jantior.

— Warning Sign outside of Huckleberry Ridge Trailhead

While Huckleberry Ridge is a popular tourist destination, it is still the active graveyard of thousands of souls who were buried below. Auric phenomena are possible.

Background generated via MidJourney
Desperate Measures

As the Andromeda Syndicate lost it's hold in the pivotal battle over the Geological Institute of Nova Braga, the commanding officer ordered a scorched earth strategy. It was deemed by the Directoriate that destroying the institute was better than letting it fall into the hands of the Rebellion.

A chain of large munitions were delivered into the magma chamber below by Metaphysical drills. At the same time, the bombs were detonated, and the entire top of the mountain range was blown off the mountains.

Rocks from the initial eruption were launched hundreds of miles into the city of Nova Braga, the first damage from the eruption. The resulting carnage buried two Syndicate Counters, but killed thousands of Federation troops overrunning them. The Institute of Geology was completely obliterated and buried miles beneath the rock.

Pictured Right: A picture taken of one of the sub-eruptions that occurred as an aftershock from the original.
by MidJourney

This is not a Drill! This is Not a Drill!

All citizens are to evacuate to city shelters now.

If you are unable to get to a city shelter, shelter in place. Stay away from windows, do not crowd the vehicle ways.

Do not approach fallen debris and do not consume unfiltered water.

— Emergency Announcement to Nova Braga

Cover image: by Midjourney


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Jul 5, 2024 15:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The thought of all those souls lying buried under the ash gives me shivers. Little wonder there are auric echoes in the area.

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