Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)


The Hydra's Gambit

The Hydra's true plans are a mystery to the people of Kainga, but that doesn't prevent speculation amongst the people. Some believe the Hydra seeks to dominate the planet and enslave the survivors. Others see a grander threat to the universe at large.

Some aren't even sure if the Hydra is a real thing, others believe that they are dealing with a true 'Demon'.

One thing all agree on, the Hydra getting it's final goal will lead the naught but suffering and pain.


An Unchained Horror

The Hydra is locked deep underneath them, in the ruins of the old corporation that once called this world it's home.

The Hydra's Ultimate Plan

Domination? Hunger? Just Valoo? Or the entire universe?

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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