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The Ledenhowzer Calls

The Ledenhowzer Texts were a series of supposed discrete communications between General of the Directoriate Crelle Ledenhowzer and the Director of Nova Braga Yosef Lunzo.

The content of the texts shows Crelle's disdain for the people of Nova Braga, and his wishes to enforce stricter controls on the civilian population. These controls ranged from forced conscription into Andromeda Syndicate armed forces, to asset seizure and forced relocation.

The texts were leaked in the months before the Nova Braga rebellion started, and stoked a fire that the Syndicate failed to recover from.

While these Calls were broadly attributed to the start of the war, after the Federation of Free Planets came into power it was revealed that the Calls were most likely faked by a single Helyk specializing in doctoring calls.

Digital Recording, Video

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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