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The Skirmish at Huckleberry Ridge

A Battle over the Geological Institute built in the volcanic mountain range of Huckleberry Ridge. A civil war erupted between the Federation and Syndicate loyalists after the Wayhalls reopened. After heavy fighting, the Federation loyalists won and set Nova Braga on a path to Federation ownership.

The Timeline


The First phase of the Skirmish began with Federation Loyalists organizing an occupation of the entry tunnels to the Institute, blockading the Syndicate forces that operated security. Facing a siege, the Syndicate forces inside raised the alarm to surrounding loyalist forces.

The First Blows

Peaceful attempts to disperse the crowd failed and while it is disputed who started firing, the entrance to the Institute soon became a warzone with the Federation rebels attempting to break down the entry way with Syndicate forces defending.

As news of the battle began to spread, more forces from both sides began pouring into the valley.


As more military power began to converge, the Syndicate loyalist forces called in for heavy support, which came in the form of a pair of Counters being deployed to the mountain range. Explosions rattled the mountain side but Syndicate loyalists found themselves purely outnumbered by the rebels seeking independence and freedom for Nova Braga. Through determination and tactics, the Federation gained the upper hand and begin pushing into the Institution and securing footholds beneath the surface.

Scorched Earth

The Syndicate, fearing the worse of providing a rebellion with their latest geological research, ordered the detonation of the facility. Under constant fire, Syndicate engineers and meta-techs began setting up chains of explosives to be set off within the institute and the magma chamber it had been built next to.

The resulting explosion caused the Huckleberry Cataclsym which saw both Syndicate and Federation troops completely annihalated underneath the pyroclastic flows and collapsing mountain range.

While the Federation ultimately won the day, the amount of loss to both sides was devestating.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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