Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)


Third Eye's Communal

Despite being born away from the traditions of Negenani, Chef Third-Eye holds the same traditional Communal Feasts that one would find in the jungles of Nege-Tai.

The feasts are held once a week, the amount of time it takes for Third-eye to prepare all the ingredients and dishes.

It is a tradition that is not forced, but everyone in the village of Kainga are grateful for.


As you walk through the rainy alleys of Kainga, you notice a steady stream of townsfolk heading for the Eatery. Excitement buzzes through the air, akin to the excitement for a show about to start.

Indeed something is going down, the people who pass you look at you as if strange for not heading their way.

A wonderful smell wafts around you, flavors that make your tongue water manifest through your nose. Despite having other things to do, you follow the crowd as they make their way to the Eatry.

The long hall has been lined with tables set up in rows facing each other. Dozens of people have already taken their places, talking to each other, joking, smiling, relaxing. You could almost forget their existential threat that roils just below their feet.

Chef Third-Eye stands at the end of the hall, regal and tall in his robes, his hands still working a set of pots and cauldrons above the lit stone firepits. He gives you a nod and a smile, glad to see you've made it.

At his gesture, two villagers begin placing bowls and boards heaped with portions clearly designed to be shared. You didn't even have to move, the food came to you, passed down by the people on your left and right and set on the smoothed stone plate in front of you. Yet no one digs in, depsite the temptation. Not until Third-Eye speaks.

"I am glad to see a new face at our table tonight, the first time in many years. Welcome to our Communal feast." The mountain of a Ral-Mi extends heartfelt greetings, and the rest of the people readying themselves give you their own forms of silent greetings.

"I introduce to you Egg-Fried Mane, Rutas cuts smoked and served on grilling stones with Kokobells sauteed with such love that they melt on your tongue like a soft and savory hug. That's just what we have here for the first courses. Wait 'til you see what I have for dessert, yes?"

Background generated via MidJourney

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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Aug 20, 2024 04:15 by Deleyna Marr

Yum! A welcome with food is such a civilized welcome!

Aug 27, 2024 04:55 by Barron

Nothing soothes over a bad situation like good food.

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