Yak's Winnebago

Yak's Winnebago is a restored winnebago modified to have window-mounted turrets, a reinforced chassis and roof, a water purifier, an overclocked V8, and a concealed prisoner's quarters. It is made to seat the six members of Yak's raiding party, and is Malcolm's temporary prison after she is kidnapped during the Sutter Shootout.

What had originally been a refuge for the refugees became a battle-bus used against them in its escape of Sutter, leaving many dead in its wake.

Despite being its prisoner, Malcolm still finds appreciation for the comforts of the Winnebago, which protects her from the blistering summer heat and offers her plenty of chance to study the mechanics of a large vehicle.

The Bago
"Head-on, through, or over!"


  • Water purifier
  • Reinforced gunports
  • Deployable canvas tent
  • Nitrous
  • Front Plow
  • Rain collector
  • Fuel Wagon

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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