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Dark Elves

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Rayvona Llerssen
Drevnosa Miloethi
Vivyros Hlenmon
Dinaassa Uvalaram
Mevrramea Rendoren
Evesali Arake
Beytramu Rerathram
Nolvynea Tobora
Naderose Betani
Teryrele Tilvvyn

Masculine names

Bravfar Nasndel
Tanvil Naduai
Drelama Nalyra
Brorvam Givythyl
Stledrar Fadarelas
Suleesu Tedahri
Melsdos Hlerryon
Nidethe Milonos
Dovndis Gimovel
Dalanden Ferelvis


Major language groups and dialects

Dark speak

Culture and cultural heritage

Dark elfs are trained from birth in the art of steath and sleight of hand. Those who want to master them can take what is called "The Trial of Tenebris". A dificult trial indeed as it consists of surviving three days alone in the lair of a beast typically a manticore or griffin, but some extreme cases include individuals hiding in the lair of a beholder requiring almost invisibility, not even that actually.

Shared customary codes and values

Dark elves are masters of manipulation and trickery as such they respect craftiness and deceit, but never try to fool one as they know better than anyone how to spot a liar.

Average technological level

Capable of using ilusion magic and even dark magic to a certain extent
Special forging methods making some weapons capable of piercing even the strongest of plate armour

Common Etiquette rules

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."
-Dark Elf Proverb
According to dark elfs you can do anything as long as you can get away with it even murder, especially murder actually. This can unfortunately lead to a lot of infighting and general mistrust between them.
Some of the most cutthroat leaders and spymasters are dark elfs.

Coming of Age Rites

For a dark elf to be accepted in his society he simply needs to perform an assasination chosen by the council of The Enclave.

Common Taboos

Suprisingly not respecting the sanctity of a deal is considered a taboo for the dark elfs.


Beauty Ideals

Slim athletic bodies made for stealth

Major organizations

Dark elves have control of The Enclave and The Dark Brotherhood organizations specializing in subterfuge and assasinations. They sell their services to those in need and carry out their assignment with frightening efficiency.
Encompassed species


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