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Basic Information


Elves exhibit a range of distinctive anatomical and morphological characteristics that differentiate them from other sentient species. These features are consistent across the elven race, encompassing various aspects of their physical form.

General Appearance
Elves are characterized by their notably tall and slender physiques:   Height and Build:
Individuals typically range from 1.8 to 2.2 meters in height. Their bodies are inherently slim and fragile, contributing to a distinct aesthetic marked by an ethereal grace. This build results in heightened susceptibility to physical injury when compared to more robust species.
The slender, lightweight nature of their bodies facilitates exceptional agility and fluidity of movement, enabling proficient navigation through diverse environments.
  Skin Color
The skin color of elves is diverse and often exhibits greater vibrancy relative to that of humans:
  Color Range:
Elven skin tones vary widely, encompassing a spectrum from pale to vivid hues. This variability is inherent to the race as a whole rather than being specific to subtypes.
Cultural Implications: The range of skin colors may carry cultural or social significance, reflecting aspects of elven identity and societal norms.
  Hair and Eye Color:
Elven hair and eye colors are commonly coordinated with their skin tones:   Hair: Elven hair is typically characterized by its length and flow, with colors that align with or contrast their skin tones. This contributes to their distinct visual appearance.
  Eyes: Eye coloration in elves is similarly diverse, with hues that complement or contrast with hair and skin tones. Eye color can reflect emotional states or social significance.
  Facial Structure
Elven facial morphology is marked by several defining features:

High Cheekbones: A prominent feature of elven facial structure is the high cheekbones, which contribute to a refined and aesthetically distinctive appearance.

Elven limbs are notable for their elongated and slender proportions.
  Elven physiology is adapted to their extended lifespans and delicate physical constitution:   Fragility: The fragility inherent in their build renders them more susceptible to physical trauma. This is mitigated by advanced healing abilities and reliance on medicinal or magical interventions.

Longevity: Elves experience a prolonged lifespan with a slower aging process. This extended duration of life allows for the accumulation of extensive knowledge and experience, impacting cultural and historical perspectives.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves predominantly follow an herbivorous diet, reflecting their symbiotic relationship with nature. Their dietary intake primarily consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. The specific dietary preferences and practices can vary among subtypes but generally emphasize plant-based nutrition:

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elves are renowned for their distinct and refined facial features, which contribute to their overall ethereal and graceful appearance. Key characteristics include:
  High Cheekbones: Elves typically have prominent cheekbones, giving their faces a sharp, sculpted look that enhances their natural elegance.
  Elongated, Pointed Ears: A hallmark of elven identity, their ears are long and taper to a fine point, often considered a sign of their keen senses and magical lineage.
  Almond-Shaped Eyes: Elves possess large, almond-shaped eyes that can range in a variety of vibrant colors, adding to their mystique and allure.
  Symmetrical Facial Structure: Elves are noted for their symmetrical and harmonious facial structures, which are visually pleasing and often associated with their ideals of beauty and perfection.
  Delicate Features: The overall delicacy of their features, including a slender nose and finely shaped lips, complements their lightweight, agile physiques.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The geographic distribution of elves is influenced by their historical, cultural, and environmental adaptations. Here’s how elves are typically spread across different regions, focusing on the main central island of Argent and the Duskfall Peninsula:
Argent is the heartland of High Elf civilization and serves as a cultural and political center for elves. This island is exclusively populated by High Elves, who have established a highly structured society that reflects their ancient traditions and magical prowess. The landscape of Argent is characterized by lush forests, mystical rivers, and rich, fertile plains that support the High Elves' affinity for nature and magic. The architecture here is elegant and integrates seamlessly with the natural environment, often incorporating living trees, water features, and natural light. The capital city, often located at the geographical center of Argent, serves as a hub for elven arts, academics, and governance.
  Duskfall Peninsula
Situated at the western point of the continent, the Duskfall Peninsula is home to the Dark Elves. This region is markedly different from Argent, featuring rugged terrain, dense, shadowy forests, and cliff-lined coasts that create a somewhat foreboding atmosphere. The Dark Elves, with their more solitary and introspective nature, have adapted to this land by developing communities that are often hidden or fortified against outsiders. Their architecture typically involves darker materials, with structures built to harness the mystical energies of the land. The climate and challenging geography of Duskfall have shaped the Dark Elves into a resilient and secretive subgroup, often misunderstood by their elven kin from other regions.

Broader Distribution
Beyond Argent and Duskfall, smaller populations of elves may be found in various other enclaves across the continent, often situated in areas of significant natural or magical importance. These communities, whether they are outposts or remnants of older diasporas, maintain varying degrees of contact with their cultural heartlands, and they often serve as cultural bridges or trade intermediaries between the isolated main populations and the wider world.

Average Intelligence

Above average usually surpassing most humans.
Most elves have an extensive education preparing they in multiple fields of study most endorsed being they study of Arcana

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  1. Acute Hearing: Sensitivity to a wide range of frequencies and the ability to detect faint sounds.
  2. Heightened Smell: Advanced olfactory senses for detecting subtle scents and environmental changes.
  3. Keen Touch: Heightened tactile sensitivity, enabling precise manipulation of objects.
  4. Telepathy: Capacity for non-verbal communication with other elves, silent or thought-based.
  5. Arcane Sensitivity: Ability to perceive and interpret magical energies and auras.
Their acute hearing, heightened smell, and keen touch have evolved to enhance their interaction with their environment and support their delicate tasks. Telepathy and arcane sensitivity are gifts from Filmahaut, the God of Magic, facilitating deeper communication and allowing elves to perceive and interpret magical energies. These traits collectively reflect their unique adaptation and profound connection to magic.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven naming conventions are deeply rooted in their ancient language, which reflects their long-standing cultural heritage and deep connection to their origins. The complexity and structure of their names are often challenging for non-elves to articulate due to unique phonetics and linguistic nuances that are inherent to the elven language.
  Structure and Significance: Elven names typically consist of multiple syllables and are imbued with meanings that reflect familial heritage, notable ancestors, or desired qualities. The names are carefully chosen to convey the virtues and the lineage of the individual, which underscores the importance of heritage in elven culture.
  Pronunciation and Phonetics: The phonetic components of elven names include sounds that may not exist in other languages, such as specific clicks, trills, or guttural stops that are difficult for outsiders to reproduce. This linguistic barrier not only emphasizes the uniqueness of the elven language but also serves as a subtle marker of elven identity, distinguishing them from other races.
  Cultural Impact: The complexity of elven names often leads to a form of linguistic exclusivity, reinforcing their societal preference for isolation and underscoring their distinctiveness from other races. In diplomatic or intercultural settings, elves may adopt simplified versions of their names or use chosen names that are easier for others to pronounce, although they still maintain the integrity and significance of their traditional names within their own communities.
  Examples: To illustrate, an elven name such as "Eärendilathara" might be commonly shortened to "Eära" in mixed company to ease communication while preserving the name's elven essence.

Major Organizations

  • The Enclave
  • The Keepers of knowledge
  • The Sylvan Protectorate
  • The Hidden Path
Major factions such as The Enclave and The Sylvan Protectorate take a big part in the politics of Ethos.
Most eleven factions have a focus on the preservation of magic and/or nature through various means. This could range from minor sanctions to indescriminate extermination of the offendors.

Beauty Ideals

Elven beauty ideals are deeply rooted in their cultural values, emphasizing ethereal grace, symmetry, and a connection to their intrinsic qualities. Here’s a refined overview:
  Physical Attributes: Elves typically value tall and slender physiques as symbols of elegance and refined grace. High cheekbones and symmetrical facial features are considered particularly attractive, reflecting a classic, almost otherworldly beauty.
  Complexion and Coloration: Luminous, clear skin is prized among elves, seen as a reflection of health and vitality. The unique skin colors—ranging from pale hues to vibrant tones—are celebrated and often accentuated in a way that enhances their natural beauty, typically without the use of heavy cosmetics. The harmony of hair, eye, and skin color is crucial, emphasizing an elf’s heritage and aesthetic ideals.
  Attire and Adornment: Elven clothing is designed to complement their natural elegance, featuring flowing lines and subtle, nature-inspired motifs. Jewelry is typically understated but crafted from fine, naturally occurring materials like moonstone or amber, often imbued with subtle magical properties.
  Behavioral Aesthetics: Poise and grace in movement are highly valued, seen as extensions of inner beauty. Eloquence and wit are also prized, with the art of conversation regarded as a key element of aesthetic appeal.

Average Technological Level

Elves have historically prioritized the development of their mystical and magical capabilities over more conventional technologies. Their profound understanding and mastery of arcane and natural magics—variations of which are dependent on the specific elf subtype—underscore their advanced state of magical development. Here’s a detailed look at their achievements:
  Mysticism and Magic: Elves are highly advanced in mysticism, with a significant emphasis on harnessing arcane energies or manipulating natural forces. This specialization allows them to perform feats that might seem miraculous to less magically inclined races. Depending on their environmental and cultural backgrounds, elf subtypes may prefer arcane magics that manipulate abstract energies, or nature magics that influence the physical world around them.
Material Mastery: Elves have achieved notable mastery in the forging of unique materials such as moonstone and elven steel. Moonstone, often used in ritualistic and ceremonial capacities, is prized for its magical properties and beauty. Elven steel, on the other hand, is renowned for its strength, lightness, and resistance to corrosion, making it ideal for crafting weapons and armor.   Enchanting Abilities: Elves are famously known for their skills in enchanting armor and weapons, a craft that combines their deep knowledge of magic with their metallurgical expertise. This ability to imbue physical objects with magical properties provides them with superior equipment that often possesses enhanced durability, magical defenses, or offensive capabilities tailored to the needs of the wielder.
  The combination of these skills not only reflects the elves' advanced state in terms of magical development but also highlights their unique approach to integrating magic with technology. Rather than pursuing conventional technological advancements, elves have opted to enhance their craftsmanship and warfare capabilities through magical means, setting them apart from other races in Ethos.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elven languages are as diverse and complex as the elves themselves, reflecting their ancient heritage and regional adaptations. Here's a comprehensive look at the major language groups and dialects among the general elf populations:
    Ancient Elvish
The root of all elven languages, Ancient Elvish, is no longer spoken daily but remains a liturgical and ceremonial language. It is characterized by its complex grammar and rich vocabulary, which encapsulates the deep history and traditions of the elven people. Many magical texts, ancient scripts, and formal documents are still written in Ancient Elvish.
  High Elvish
High Elvish is the most widespread and commonly spoken language among elves, considered the modern standard. It has evolved directly from Ancient Elvish and retains much of its lexicon and structure but has simplified some of the more complex grammatical aspects to accommodate daily use. High Elvish is often used in literature, academia, and formal communication across different elven regions.
  Woodland Elvish
Specific to elves inhabiting forested areas, Woodland Elvish includes numerous dialects that vary significantly from one forest region to another. These dialects often incorporate specific terminology related to flora and fauna not found in standard High Elvish. The phonetics of Woodland Elvish are designed to blend with the natural sounds of the forest, making it a soft and melodic language.
  Gray Elvish
Spoken by urban or city-dwelling elves, Gray Elvish is a dialect that has incorporated elements from other races' languages due to closer proximity and interaction with diverse populations. It is pragmatic and less formal, adapted for commerce and daily city life. Gray Elvish serves as a lingua franca in multi-racial cities where elves form a significant part of the population.
  Dialects of the North and South
Northern and Southern Elvish dialects reflect the geographic and cultural differences of elves living in these regions. Northern dialects might have harsher, more guttural sounds influenced by the colder climates and rugged terrains, whereas Southern dialects are often more fluid and expressive, mirroring the warmer climates and open landscapes.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Common Taboos

Elven culture, rich in tradition and deeply rooted in their ancient heritage, observes several taboos that are integral to maintaining social harmony and moral order. Here are some common taboos among elves:
  Revealing Sacred Knowledge
Elves hold certain knowledge, especially related to magic and ancient lore, as sacred and secret. Sharing this knowledge with outsiders or those not deemed worthy within their own community is taboo. Such acts are considered a betrayal of their heritage and can lead to severe social and sometimes magical repercussions.   Breaking Oaths and Promises
Elves place a high value on trust and honor, and breaking oaths or promises is one of the gravest taboos. Their long lifespans give such breaches a profound weight, as trust once broken can affect relationships and reputations for centuries. This taboo reinforces the importance of integrity within elven society.
While elves are deeply magical beings, they generally consider necromancy and the manipulation of the dead to be a serious taboo. Such practices are seen as a perversion of life and natural order, going against both their respect for the deceased and the natural cycle of life and death.
In some elven societies, there is a strong taboo against intimate relationships with other races, particularly those that might lead to offspring. Such crossbreeding is often seen as diluting their ancient lineage and can be subject to prejudice and exclusion from elven society.


As one of the earliest creations of the Divines, elves exhibit a deep-seated reverence for their cultural heritage and traditions. This foundational status has instilled in them a profound sense of identity and superiority, leading to a pronounced inclination towards isolationism. The elves' perception of themselves as the original and superior race has fostered a xenophobic and condescending attitude towards other sentient beings, whom they regard as inferior descendants.
  This self-imposed isolation has resulted in limited technological advancement compared to other races. However, elves have mitigated this technological stagnation through their exceptional affinity for magic. Their extensive magical capabilities and sophisticated understanding of arcane arts position them as one of the most adept and potent magical races in Ethos. This reliance on and mastery of magic have become central to their societal structure and cultural identity, compensating for their technological shortcomings and reinforcing their distinct role in the world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Historical Isolationism
Elves have a history of self-imposed isolation, preferring to keep to themselves and maintain a certain distance from other races. This has fostered a perception of aloofness and sometimes superiority, as they often view their ancient heritage and magical prowess as signs of their elevated status.
  Assumptions of Superiority
Due to their longevity and the depth of their culture and knowledge, elves often assume a position of superiority over shorter-lived races. This can manifest as condescension or a paternalistic attitude in dealings with others, particularly humans and more 'primitive' races.
  Magical Alliances
Elves are more likely to form alliances with other magic-using species, such as certain types of dragons or mystical human sects. They respect magical power and often assume that those who wield it responsibly have a greater understanding of the world's true nature.
  Cultural Exchange Reluctance
While elves might engage in trade or diplomatic missions, they are often reluctant to fully embrace cultural exchange, fearing dilution of their traditions or unwanted influence on their societies.
900-1000 years (may vary)
Average Height
1.8-2.4 m
Average Weight
35-50 kg
Average Length
35 cm
Average Physique
Mostly frail and nimble
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale to colorful(depends on subtype)
Related Ethnicities

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