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Monsters are the creatures roaming Ethos's, from small slithering mongrels to mighty beheamoths. They were created by one of the great gods, Deneb Kaitos the god of monsters. They were created to scare and stop humans so that they didn't evolve too fast like Principium before them as such was the way of their kind.


Monsters are very aggresive towards humans tending to attack them without warning, but always with a reason. Some monsters are just protecting their tertitory while others actively prey on humans for food, but worst of all are the Orcs and Goblins who just attack for fun and plunder. It said that even Deneb Kaitos doesn't know their true intentions. Even though their initial purpose was to scare off humans these monsters started to have a will of their own and do what they wanted, Deneb Kaitos din't mind don't much as long as they fulfilied theiir duty.


Monsters are some of the most varied creature in Ethos, they can found in the wilderness, far from cities. Most dangerous places are swamps and desserts, but even a valley or hill can become dangerous if inhabited by the right monster.  



Manticore standing on a cliff found in the Eastern Mainland near Darkis
Genetic Descendants
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
“What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.”


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Dec 17, 2021 08:24

Would be interested to know more about the Minotaurs. In my world setting, they are not beasts, they are the most advanced race.