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Frail stacks of bones hold the remnants of a once known human, but now all that is left is pure bone, marrow, and nothing else. All they are husk or even less. They white-bleached bones remind fellow tomb raiders of their own mortality. Compared to the other undead they are the weakest by far, only held together by some magic which decays over time. They shamble under the service of warlocks and liches as their servants and dregs. To create such fiends, dark mages scrawl crests and symbols upon bones and infusing them with magic. The exact process is known only by such necromancers.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Made of bones that are kept together by a thin veil of dark magical essence.

Genetics and Reproduction


Additional Information


They follow the orders of their summoner

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They can be used as bodyguards and for armies.

Facial characteristics

The face is usually lacking any type of "flesh"

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Near ancient catachombs

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

extremely limited sensory capabilities usually related to the quality of the magic used in the animation of the skeleton
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
white with occult symbols on their bones


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