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The Szent

Naming Traditions

Family names

Bridgette Singer
Clementine Heard
Annabella Gage
Ophelia Lister
Bridgette Cleaver
Lisabet Seal
Samantha Mulliner
Evangeline Travers
Helene Chafter
Josephina Voss


Major language groups and dialects

Common(major language) Dialercts:
  • Lothren

Culture and cultural heritage

Their culture revolves around serving the Foredather and the three guardians with absolute diligence.
They are separated into 2 subdivisions:
  • The Folowers
  • The Guiders
The Folowers just like in their name, they follow they guiders and preach the word of the Forefather with a zealous might.
They take much care of their own, but disregard the others.

Shared customary codes and values

They hold great importance to the worship of the divines some times to the point of extreme.

Average technological level

Good level of technology, but can be found lacking compared to other major civilizations.

Common Etiquette rules

They pray before every meal, they often offer their praise to the almighty. As a sign of goodwill.

Art & Architecture

Grandious and opulent temples meant for the worship of the divines.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

"Burn all deceivers!"
"Let me grow stronger, that I might vanquish the forces of darkness. Let me transcend mortal frailty."
Such are the cries of the belivers whising death unto their corrupted brethren.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

They newborn is blessed by a preacher by placing him into holy water and perfroming the necesary rites to be acepted by the divines.

Common Taboos

The disrespect and disregard of the gods is higly looked down upon.
Other races are considered inferior compared to theirs.


Gender Ideals

The women take care of household matters and don't take any assertive role.
The man is the leader of the familt taking care of it and working to maintain it.
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