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The Szent Theocracy


The Archbishop
The Paladins
The Bishops
The Priests
The Followers


The Theocracy of Szent is the religious centre of the mainland and also the centre for prosecution of the arcane and demonic. Szentian Culture is mostly based on the ancient tradition of the divines and ancient prophets. Many restrictive obligations are expected of its citizens such as a strong adherents to the tenants of the church and obedience to the Inquisitors and Paladins. The life of a worker is simple and coordonated by their Priest who in turn is controlled by the bishop all the way up to Archbishop.


Numerous cities and villages. It boasts the highest population of the mainland.


The szent theocracy is one of the oldest countries on Ethos. It was founded by the 3 Archangels of The Forefather. It faced many dangers and calamities, but they stood strong and firm against every crisis because they believed that under the light of the divines and most of all the Forefather they would be unstoppable. Such was their ambition that they managed to hold most of the southern mainland.


The control most of the southern mainland with some colonies long the east and further south.


The Szentian theocracy is defended by a rudimentary garisson of militia trained in basic combat and also bolstered by the strength of its paladins and seekers.

Foreign Relations

The Szentian theocracy is in a begrudging coalition together with the Dyss Hegemony to the west. 
In active conflict with the Dark Elfs to the East

Tenets of Faith

The szentian society has worship and universal praise for Forefather as its main tenet, but the most prominent practice is the eradication of any magical entity be it benign or dangerous.
According to the high priest, the life of a demihuman is recognized but it is considered less important than that of pure human.

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus.

Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
The Szent
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
The Ducat
Legislative Body
Run by the high council of priests who oversee the development of fair and just rules in accordance to the will of the divines.
Judicial Body
The Inquisitors are assigned to the judging the affairs of the both the divine and profane to decree on their right to eixist.
Executive Body
The Paladins and Seekers are assigned to enforce the law.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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