Buzduke Lake

by Cátia Matos
Buzduke Lake has very few inhabitants. The weather tends to be coastal cool with gorgeous mornings and breathtaking sunsets both enhanced with the Prism Firefly. In the northern corner there is one structure standing holding powerful magic within. Even those without magic can feel the power vibrating off the walls. This tends to be the only place on the island that has magic; everywhere else is free of outside magic effecting the area.


The hardwood evergreens are widely spaced and consist of olive, cork, oak, and stone pine.
by Marko Milivojevic
by Pxhere
by Pxfuel

Localized Phenomena

At least once a year with seemingly no cause the lake turns red and becomes around 150 degrees anything that goes into the lake at this point immediately turns to stone, but stays "floating" in the water.
by Daniel Lienert
You can see the steam rising from that lake when it turns red. Every time anyone has seen it something bad happens. It is a bad omen.
— Resident of Tri-Morgan
Related Reports (Primary)

Cover image: by veeterzy


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