Session 33 | The Revelation Report

General Summary

The Flash of Virtue spent a few days down in this "house" fighting through the two remaining rooms needed to take long long rests to continue onward. During one of the downtimes Kotmirra went through the rooms with the x-ray vision ring to find a scroll in the bookshelf and no visible way of getting it out. Delicately Kotmirra sliced through the bookshelf and retrieved the scroll. The scroll was the layout of the house, how to get in and out, and that Ervina was stuck in a chamber above the orb area and would drop down when all the orbs lite up along with the two axes.   Defeated Ervina and Kotmirra took the two axes and noticed that they are cracked. Kotmirra knows she needs to repair them before being used.   Ervina was talking about how not everything was like you think it is or was (talking to Thriven). And it triggered a memory he had when he were scrying/talking to the Raven Queen.   "As you drift off to sleep there is familiar feeling that surrounds you. I welcome you to go back to your kingdom and take control once more. as soon as she finishes the last word your mind soars through the skies where you start to see a familiar landscape a familiar place. home It might be time for you to see what lays in wait for you and determine how you might need to prepare. You will not be able to do this alone and there might a key to what Kotmirra is looking for, though I am unawares as to what the key is. you feel like the Raven Queen is a little affronted The Raven Queen shows you four different snippets of what is/has happened.
  1. The castle is darkened and visibility warded with many different creatures acting as what you assume are guards.
  2. There are a decent amount of people working in the castle and surrounding areas. There are a few people you recognize as your people.
  3. In the thrown room you see different cages with what looks like 'research' tools. And different people in the cages.
  4. Also in the throne room you see Heleena bound to a new throne chair battered, bruised, and bleeding.
  Jax showed himself back as human. Shocking only Markos. Jax expressed that he did not want any of them to die so he felt he needed to help out. Thriven say that it was that dog food back in the dragon's lair that made him turn back to human. Jax was not too happy at Markos and really didn't want to talk a lot about his feelings, overall that Markos is an ass and he now has magic. Jax also asked Markos why he thought Zemins has been asking for Markos to turn his back to human form. Jax and Zemins have been talking for quite a while now.   Before Jax left (never walking, but floating), he turned to Markos (as all others had left back to the surface) and said to go talk to a women just over by where they saw that creature and she will be able to help you with the unicorn blood.   The session ended at the doorstep of the old woman who was expecting them.
Campaign: Xanathena
Report Date
17 Dec 2020
Primary Location


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