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The Council of the Gods on the affairs of man

An event that takes place at some point prior to the Adonian Empire where the gods determine how they will influence mankind going forward as they begin to grow in number and development.
  As mankind developed and became more advanced, the gods were summoned by Rai to decide what their role should be in mortal life. Rai and some of the other gods thought to guide them. He was joined by Tetsud, Icith, and Strig. Varan had no interest in mankind. Acantha joined Rai out of his own self-interest, secretly hoping to bring about their downfall without drawing excessive attention from Rai. Rai incorporated Acantha into this "council" by making him a devil's advocate of sorts, believing his machinations could have a beneficial effect on mankind development. Rai, Tetsud and Icith were optimistic about mankind and Acantha had hoped to show them as time passed that they would lead to their doom. Aiga with his tremendous vision could see Acantha's eventual true nature revealed.
  Aiga did not agree with either Acantha or Rai, instead believed it best for mankind to sort themselves in many ways and did not think it correct to have a direct hand in any culling, but instead to challenge and reward those deemed worthy instead. Aiga thought mankind were suitable conquerors, as he rejected the notion of living in balance with nature and thought the wild nature of the dragons and the elder gods, that it was the ultimate purpose of mankind to conquer nature. Aiga also thought humans should not be allowed a hand in magic, peering into Acantha as he said this.
  Rai resisted nearly all of Aiga's ideas. In response, Aiga would open a path for humans to follow if they so wished, into his domain where they could seek him out. In secret, Aiga would later speak with Rai, warning him that this plan of his was folly and that Acantha would one day bring about his downfall. He would prepare his people for this day and would give him no quarter at that time. Peregra, loyal to his elder brother Aiga, and serving him in similar ways to how Tetsud served Rai, agreed.
  Ominous Strig would serve Rai directly, but also serve as en emissary to his brother Aiga and in many ways served as the mediator between the two, as they both trusted his wisdom.
  Beoth, Ursu, and Eubra were present. Eubra brought word from Balean that she would not be attending and had no interest in involving herself in mortal affairs. Eubra, as guardian of the lake, would continue to protect those peoples who had emigrated to his area. Ursu chided Eubra and asked what his Queen (Balean) thought of that (Eubra is a paladin who loves Balean and vowed to protect her). Ursu came only to essentially tell the rest of the gods to fuck off, that those who lived in his domain were under his authority.
  Beoth.. I have no idea what to do with him as of this writing. I am not sure if he has anyone under his protection at this time.
  Icith was the last one to speak


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