The Fracturing of Moragul

An ongoing civil war

This article was written for Summer Camp 2024. Therefore it is unpolished and lacking formatting and information. Feel free to comment with any questions or requests for clarification.
  Following the eruption of Mount Vatra, the entirety of the leadership of the country of Moragul was wiped out, alongside the capital city of Vos Aren. Instead of going to the aid of the stricken areas of the country, the other major cities in Moragul saw an opportunity to seize the power for themselves. The majority of them closed their gates, turning away or killing refugees, whilst they consolidated their resources and armed forces.   In essence, there are five cities in Moragul who could feasibly seize power, who have sufficiently charismatic and strong leaders to pull it off. Each city is ruled by a council who, until six months ago, were beholden to the Morash royal family, now all missing and presumed dead.   Though there have been few outright physical battles in the conflict so far, two council members have been assassinated, and scathing communications have been sent on all sides. Most major settlements in Moragul have declared their allegiance to one city or another, or are doing their best to keep their heads down out of the line of fire.
  The conflict is still ongoing and shows no signs of abating.

Cover image: by Diggity Dog


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Jul 6, 2024 07:21

Nice plot twist if one of the royal family has survived somehow

Jul 6, 2024 12:30 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Indeed it would be... Thanks! :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 9, 2024 03:00 by Aster Blackwell

Oooo what a fascinating start to a civil war. Says a lot about the leaders of those cities that they would rather gain power than, y'know, help their neighbors after a horrible tragedy!

Jul 9, 2024 11:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

It definitely says some things, none of them nice! Thank you <3

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 21, 2024 00:34 by E. Christopher Clark

Oh, I really like this. A volcanic catastrophe inducing a civil war? I don't think I've seen that particular combination of story elements before, but they make total sense together and it makes me wonder why I haven't read something that tackles this sort of dilemma before.   Anyway, just leaving a comment to say how much I love your imagination—and that part of why your comments on my pieces mean so much to me is that I admire your work so much.

Enroll in Yesterland Academy today!
Jul 21, 2024 12:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yeah, I was thinking about how devastating a volcanic event could be and what would happen if it completely wiped out existing power structures.   Aww, thank you. That means so much to me. I've been really enjoying your Summer Camp <3

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Aug 8, 2024 16:27 by Rin Garnett

If they were so willing to use the catastrophe as a power grab, they were eyeing that power already and waiting for an excuse. I'm very curious about those scathing communications!

Aug 8, 2024 20:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh, one hundred percent waiting for an opportunity to strike. I'm looking forward into delving into the politics of this country more. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
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