The Morash

A fractured people

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  Until recently, the majority of the human inhabitants of Moragul referred to themselves as the Morash. Though most were highly loyal to their cities, they were loyal to their country above all. Then came the eruption of Mount Vatra, which wiped out the capital city of Vos Aren and, with it, the country's leadership. In this power vacuum, loyalties fractured and civil war broke out. Home cities became even more important, and even people who did not live in cities began to identify themselves by their closest.   Morash as an identifier is - only six months after the eruption - rarely used within the country's borders, though it is more common in remote areas not under the influence of a city. The term is still used by other countries to refer to the people as a whole, with little regard for internal politics.

Cover image: by Diggity Dog


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