Dividvar Building / Landmark in Eumaea | World Anvil


The Dividvar, or Divine Gate, is a barrier in place between the Celestial Plane and the Astral Plane. The gate was erected by Aldir, with the help of Querina, Sessana, Dennitos, and Eccoh, to stop deities from directly interfering with the lower planes. The gate was created as a direct response to the failure of Abaddon at the hands of Kazka, and ensures that the balance of the universe remains intact.   The Dividvar essentially functions like a divine net, effectively keeping out the direct influence of deities, but the "holes" in the net are large enough that lesser extraplanar beings, such as lesser devils and angels, could, and often do, slip through. The one exception to this rule is Tokoti, who gave up most of his deific powers in order to wander the planes.
Alternative Names
Divine Gate
Wall section
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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