Zephyr Settlement in Eumaea | World Anvil


Zephyr is an ancient city in the middle of the G'aarjya Desert. The original name of the city is unpronounceable in Common, and has largely been forgotten. The city has high walls to mitigate sandstorms, as well as an alert system in place wherein the guards blow special horns to alert the city of a sandstorm. As with the rest of Guardia, arcane magic is forbidden, and guards use magic-tracking devices to suss out spellcasting, however weapons are allowed. Many dark-skinned humans, as well as dwarves, and a few half-orcs and tieflings can be seen walking the street. Many wear head coverings of some sort to protect them from the sand and heat.   The city is under the rules of Sultan Amesh Debairah, the latest ruler of the Debairah dynasty that has ruled Zephyr since antiquity. The nobility of Zephyr is very secretive. Commoners are not even allowed near the palace, and the nobility sequester themselves within, not showing their faces before the public. As such, it has been many many years since common folk have seen the Sultan in the flesh.   Meanwhile, on the bustling streets of Zephyr, the Zephyr Bazaar is a popular destination. The gigantic covered market allows hundreds of merchants to sell a wide manner of wares, from exotic spices grown only in the desert to fine pottery and expensive jewelry. Tourists may find themselves on the wrong end of a bad deal if they are not careful, but those with a keen eye and good judge of character are sure to find good deals. Common pack animals here include camels, horses, and Shall Oxen, a species of woolly oxen native to the area.   When the populace are seeking shelter from a sandstorm or are not at the Bazaar, the many taverns can be relied on for good food, good drinks, and good entertainment. Hookah pipes are commonly used here, and private lounges can be rented at some establishments to enjoy various products and services in private.   Additionally, the Charcoal Pit is a colosseum that anyone can join to participate in unarmed fights for the chance to win gold and fame. Anyone who applies is allowed to compete, and does so under a stage name.   Lastly, for the more refined members of the Zephyrian society may seek refuge at the Obsidian Archives, an imposing library constructed like a cathedral out of black stone. It is one of the few quiet places in the city, and contains many subterranean floors of reference material on the history of Draydar, many volumes of which have been preserved for centuries. Only the main floor is accessible to those without proper clearance, however, as some history is too important and must be protected.


  • Human: 60%
  • Dwarf: 20%
  • Half-Orc: 8%
  • Tiefling: 7%
  • Halfling: 3%
  • Other: 2%


The city is under the rules of Sultan Amesh Debairah, the latest ruler of the Debairah dynasty that has ruled Zephyr since antiquity. The nobility of Zephyr is very secretive. Commoners are not even allowed near the palace, and the nobility sequester themselves within, not showing their faces before the public. As such, it has been many many years since common folk have seen the Sultan in the flesh.


The city's main defenses are its walls, 100ft high, with periodic watch towers. These are mostly to keep out sandstorms, but also are effective at protecting against invaders.

Industry & Trade

Most of the city's food and water is imported from more fertile parts of the kingdom, however the city does maintain a highly lucrative export of exotic spices that can only be found in the area. Furthermore, there are many profitable mines throughout the desert, and mining companies from Zephyr often sell their ores to manufacturing companies in Oxburg.


The city itself is almost entirely contained inside the city walls. Not only does this make the city easier to govern, but it offers its inhabitants significant protection from the harsh desert elements.


Zephyr has existed since antiquity under various dynasties of sultans. Even during the age of Altiris, Zephyr was an autonomous city-state, being nearly self-sufficient and difficult to conquer. It wasn't until the dissolution of Altiris and the rise of Guardia that Zephyr was convinced to join a parent nation. However, this fealty was only agreed upon because of Guardia's approach of allowing major cities their own autonomy.


The city uses a mostly arabesque architectural style, with domed roofs on many buildings. Pointed archways are also very common, with hanging curtains separating interior rooms. Buildings are largely made of sandstone harvested from quarries throughout the desert. Building exteriors are usually very thick, with heavy doors to block out sandstorms that periodically sweep the area.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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