Althea Silversong Character in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Althea Silversong

Created by MetalMaiden

Althea Silversong (a.k.a. Lass)

Physical Description

Body Features

Her body is graceful and fit with a slender hourglass figure, long legs and ample bust. Pointed fey ears and fair skin.

Facial Features

Her features are exotic, beautiful, and noticeably Fey like.   The first thing you would notice would be her smile, bright and happy , it is the expression most warn on her face.

Identifying Characteristics

Beauty mark on her cheek just below the corner of her left eye. Long thin scar at her jaw. Fatal wound scaring at her shoulder and collar bone.

Physical quirks

Althea's moves like the magical creature she is, From the turn of her head to the slightest of gestures, all hold the grace and elegance of a dancer.

Special abilities

Her voice and the music she creates are her strongest weapons. She can enchant the mind, warm the heart, even sooth the mightiest of beasts into slumber.   Being a nymph she could blind those who look upon her with her beauty alone .

Apparel & Accessories

Fine clothing with Leather corseted armour. Leather pants and boots, a dagger strapped to her thigh. A Fey cloak, a necklace of adaption, a choker necklace with a tiny silver heart dangling from it, and silver earrings too.

Specialized Equipment

Her beloved Doss Lute and a silver rapier named "Taleweaver", given to her by the Great Knight Pharron.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Althea remembers fondly the moment she woke for the first time, deep within the Older Woods.   At first there was the silent darkness and the sensation of floating upwards, and, as she broke the water's surface. The sounds of the forest serenaded her, welcoming her into being with bird song, the rustle of the wind through the leaves, and the soft bubbling of a distant water fall.   The feel of water lapping at her body was that of a loving caress, the warm sun upon her skin a gentle kiss. “Awaken Beloved.” The forest seemed to whisper.   She opened her eyes to see rays of sunlight filtering threw the leaves of the enchant trees above her, as she lay floating at the surface of a glimmering pond.   Althea emerged from the water, nude and alone, yet unafraid as she looked upon all with wonder and awe. She wandered the woods, danced among fields of flowers, climbing trees and befriended the fey and wild beasts of the land. She would spend hours listening to the music of the forest as it sang songs only she could hear, teaching her of her own voice. She let the music fill her and began to sing along.   As Althea grew so did her beauty. Her dark forest green hair fell past her waist in silken waves, her large almond shaped eyes shone like emeralds, sparkling and shining with a playful light, and her body slender and curvy. She was graceful, luminous, with skin as soft as fine silk, but none was more beautiful than her voice which held a power all its own.   Travelers began to hear her songs emanate from deep from within the woods, and being bewitched by its haunting beauty, found the courage to enter the Older Woods in search of her.   Soon, rumours about her spread, and people came seeking her out, bringing her gifts, fine cloths and trinkets, in hopes of hearing her sing.   One of these people was Ethos Tharendil, a young Elven bard. He told her stories of the lands beyond her forest, and sang songs about heroes and their epic adventures, and then would be on his way. He would visit her every few years or so, bringing with him a new tale or song to sing.   Althea grew fond of the man and came to love him, though not love as mortals know; a deep, quiet love of the forest. They spent much of their time together when he would visit, he taught her how to play musical instruments and all the songs and spells he knew. But each time he returned to her he would be a bit older, whilst she would stay eternally young.   On the last day they would spend together, his body was old and failing, he gave her his doss lute and a final kiss goodbye. She wept for him and sang as his spirit passed into the Upper Planes. With the help of the fey she buried his body and planted a single seed forming one of the giant oak trees over his grave.   As the years past she watered the seed and tended to it as it grew, from seedling to sprout, to young sapling. She sang songs in memory of her lost lover, travellers passing by or visitors would shed a tear at the sadness of her songs, touched deeply at the depth of her love.   Many centuries later, the oak tree was fully grown and with it her heart mended though she would always remember the man she loved. She would sit in the branches of the oak tree and still sing him songs, playing her beloved doss lute with the skill of a master, her talent perfected from years of practice.   Althea began to wonder about the lands outside her forest, no longer content with a life lived in solitude. She yearned for adventure and excitement, much like the heroic stories her dear Ethos had told her so many years ago. But, she dared not leave the protection of the forest alone, and so she waited, knowing that one day she would leave the forest and start an adventure all her own.




Althea is employed by the Phantoms as the Guild Bard.

Intellectual Characteristics

Alluring, flirtatious, Sensual, Intuitive, Friendly, Kind, Nurturing, Free Spirited, Fun Loving.

Morality & Philosophy

"I find meaning and hope in life by sharing my music and my compassion with others, I strive to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” The ability to experience beauty is connected with the knack for knowing the good, and Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life.


Harming nature or the innocent.

Personality Characteristics


Althea has always loved the stories about heroic adventurers, and wishes that she will one day be the hero of her own story.   From the moment she opened her eyes she has know that she wasn't like the others of her kind. she always felt she had a purpose not even she understood something she couldn't explain. She could feel something calling to her like a whisper on the wind, It spoke to the deepest parts of her being, to her very soul, beckoning her to follow.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely creative thinker, but not the brightest member of the group.

Likes & Dislikes

(Likes) Music, nature, animals, baths, flowers, and pastries.   (Dislikes) Defilers of nature, evil-doers, and cruelty.

Virtues & Personality perks

Good heart, positive thinker, and sees the good in others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Naive, tends to think more with her heart than with her head.

Personality Quirks

Tends to always have her mind in the gutter.


Loves to be clean but doesn't mind getting dirty every once and a while... as long as its not blood.


Contacts & Relations

The Phantoms Guild:
  • Vincent Vancent
  • Bran Ironbeard
  • Sethih
  • Zook Burgendorough
  • Hury Geldar
  • Azure Kodraine
  • Isaac Klyne
  • The Seven Seekers:
  • Tobias Takanome
  • Akara Takanome
  • Tif Arelost
  • Religious Views

    "Nature is my temple and music is my religion."

    Social Aptitude

    Extremely charismatic and flirtatious. Confident when speaking or singing to large crowds, and refined manners.


    Althea is wild, care free and fun loving. Like nature, she embodies both great beauty and fearsome danger. She can be kind and graceful to those who revere the wild places of the world, but is also quick to strike against the ones who take more than they need, or who treat nature or living beings thoughtlessly.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Singing and playing her lute, laughing, and having a good time with her friends.
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    2253 3911 Years old
    The Divine Tree, Gevurah, Older Woods, Marlow, Kagarran Isles
    Current Residence
    Fort Blackwater, Lake Blackwater, Rivenhollow, Ganeria, Novarian Empire
    Almond shaped, emerald green
    Forest green, wavy, waist length
    120 lbs
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Are you a virgin?"
    Known Languages
    Common, Elvish, and Sylvan

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