Fort Blackwater Building / Landmark in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Fort Blackwater

Where the water runs black, ghosts of the past lie in wait.

Created by Mu
Once a great statement of Elvish design, turned to ruin by the tides of war, now remains the last stand between the forces of evil and the vanquishers of the apocalypse.


The original architecture of the structure was of an Elvish Post-Invasion Masonry design. It boasted large stone walls that spanned the entirety of the small island in the centre of Lake Blackwater, with a strong hardwood porticullis that defended the main gate. The interior was well furnished, decorated with lavish designs, and had many windows to provide amply amounts of natural light into the interior. This was intended to give the Elves a boost in well-being as to not deprive them of daylight. The fort was built into 4 sections: the barracks, the foyer, the studies, and the walls; each of which provided a purpose to the running of the fort as well as ensuring that day-to-day life within was not a repetitive dread shift.   However, recently, the fort has been demolished and rebuilt to the Phantoms Guild specifications, with the permission of the previous owner, Sozomul Lycidas. It is now of a Dwarven design, favouring more utility and function over aesthetic desires of the inhabitants. It now has been split into certain functional zones: Arcane Studies, the War Room, the Foyer, the Barracks, the Smith, the Stables, the Walls, and the Guest Rooms and Studies.


Fort Blackwater was used in the Wars of the Broken Concorde between Novaria and Ganeria in 1233. It was designed to be a safe area for refugees and provide a home for many Elven soldiers to aid in the war effort to push out the Novarian invaders. Alas, they still lost the battle, the Fort was lay to siege by a legion of Novaris' soldiers, starving out the inhabitants into surrender, leaving the city of Rivenhollow open to invasion.   The fort lay abandoned for 200 years before being sold in auction to the wealthy Sozomul Lycidas, who used it as a second home for many years before leaving it to ruin, to avoid vampire hunters who were to bring his business empire to its knees. It was taken over by the Shadows, a band of dangerous bandits that terrorised Rivenhollow for years before being taken care of by the current owners - the Phantoms.
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