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Emperor Novaris

Emperor Novaris (a.k.a. The Emperor of Fire)

Emperor Novaris began his rule some time ago, with many scholars debating where his rule originated from.   Many believe that Novaris is the reincarnation of an Eefriti that is hellbent on war after his murder in a past life. Novaris has disputed this and proven that he is very much human, even showing the cave he was born in.   His empire began in the island of Wothe (now Novaria), at the edge of the Ruby Sea. He slowly banded together with the strongest men and women and began conquering the tribal people of Nexalia, then to the scholarly folk of Niris and Erovia, moving onto Varean.   Eventually, with enough power and assets of his disposal, he began conquering his more iconic lands - Aldmeria, The Lerian Dominion, Draenia, Cartha, and Ganeria. This did not, however, go unnoticed by outsiders. The Immortal King, Dural, sought to stop Novaris' tyranny, and marched across the oceans to face Novaris.   A battle ensued between the two, levelling mountains and flooding landmasses. Novaris left defeated by the overwhelming might of Dural sought to avenge himself when the time came.   That time is now.   He now marches to the drums of war...

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A dragon encompassing a sword

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Novaris is in peak physical condition, with rigorous aerobics and martial combat training for 6 hours per day. He never seems to get ill.

Body Features

His skin tone is moderately tan, his beard is usually trimmed down or removed entirely. He has no scars.

Facial Features

His face is chiselled, rough, and unnaturally striking.

Identifying Characteristics

He has no discernible features.

Physical quirks

His stride is extremely intimidating, flaunting power and dominance in any crowd.

Special abilities

Novaris has innate spellcasting, as well as mastery of martial arts and battle tactics. He is incredibly fast and unstoppable in his attacks.

Apparel & Accessories

Novaris is adorned in lavish clothing, fit for an emperor of his stature and strength. His crown is forged from high carat gold and his furs carved from the flesh of exotic animals.

Specialized Equipment

Novaris is proficient in martial and simple weapons.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Novaris was taught the ways of life by his parents, and had an exceptional track record in his education. He has a diploma from the Novarian Academy of War.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Novaris rules over an expansive empire that stretches across the world of Urithan. His army is the largest to exist to date, with around 300,000 soldiers. He has never lost a fight to a mortal foe

Failures & Embarrassments

Novaris has felt defeat at the hands of King Dural, and has been waiting the day he is strong enough to challenge him once more.

Mental Trauma

Novaris can remember all of his life, but he seems to have blank spots in his memory around the War of the Colossus.

Intellectual Characteristics

Novaris is linguistic, intelligent, and extremely charismatic. Those around him can feel his influence solely from his vocabulary and posture.

Morality & Philosophy

"The strong survive and crush the weak, and we will take in the spoils of their loss."


Novaris has razed villages and committed heinous war crimes, but cannot be touched by his own law system.

Personality Characteristics


He wishes to conquer all that is to conquer, and rule over all. To complete his empire, he will stop at nothing to succeed.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Novaris is incredibly masterful of the art of war and martial arts. Nobody knows what he is inept at.

Likes & Dislikes

Novaris' favourite thing is a fine wine and rich carveries. He dislikes all who try to challenge him when they are clearly batting above their belt.

Virtues & Personality perks

Novaris is fast, intuitive, and delivers crushing defeats via words and actions.

Vices & Personality flaws

His main vice is his need for action, he also has a keen eye for gold coins and rare gems.

Personality Quirks

He brushes his chin when he becomes angered by someone, but the movement is so subtle, people take it as him thinking about something.


Novaris is immaculate, his palace is spotless, and his clothing is kept fresh and pressed.


Contacts & Relations

Novaris has connections to the most powerful families in the Novarian Empire, and has ties deep within trade and warfare. He can erase a person from the face of the planet, and not even be notably involved.

Family Ties

Novaris has no family... Or so he thinks...

Religious Views

Novaris has no notable religion

Social Aptitude

Novaris is calm, collected, charming, and very well-mannered. Most in his company remark on his etiquette and hospitality.

Hobbies & Pets

Novaris has an ancient blue dragon, Zeranora, as a mount for combat. He enjoys playing Dragon Chess and studying the art of war.


His speech is refined, clear, and notably smooth. He rarely swears or compliments. He knows all languages.

Wealth & Financial state

Novaris' wealth spans his Empire, amassing around 40,000,000gp total. Majority of this goes to his army's supplies, the rest into his colonies and his own pocket.   He has incredible disposable income, as well as many trading ships within the Empirical Trading Co. as well as stock shares within Shuman Tursiart's medical research.

The immortal ruler of the Novarian Empire; cold, calculated, but with a wrath and might that can crush gods. Rumoured to be powered by the Eternal Flame, he ventures to conquer Kagarra in the attempt to reunite the lands that he believes he has the right to rule.

Character Location
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Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emperor of Fire, The Immortal Emperor
Current Residence
Long, silken brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I have crushed gods under my foot, brawled with Colossi, levelled kingdoms. And here you stand, with the gall to challenge me."
Known Languages
Novaris can read, write, and speak all known languages.
Ruled Locations

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