Novaria Geographic Location in Eurithan | World Anvil
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The vast empire of Novaria stretches well beyond the borders of the original land in which the throne sits. Novaria, named after the royal house its Emperor was brought from, sprawls with the charm of philosophy and magic, but the picturesque landscapes - mountains, lakes, and forests - are marred by the authoritarian rule that suppresses those considered undesireable.


The country of Novaria consists of different landscapes; grasslands and golden, sandy beaches, and some cold mountain tops. The forests and farms are lush from the volcanic soil imbued from the dormant giants that once smouldered the terrain.


"Vast and strong stretches the grip of the powerful Empire of Novaria, ruled in the white-hot iron grip of its tyrant, the immutable Emperor Novaris. But first, I suppose I must start at the very beginning, the roots of what came to be the Novarian Empire. The lands themselves, as they are today - rich in culture and history, once called itself Wothe - a place of famine, war,, and barbarism. Amidst turbulent clan wars, resultant from the Wars of the Colossus, the child of Jarl Atarah and Celosh Aressa Novaris rose to power in light of their demise within the conflict. From this point on, Conláed Novaris, whelmed in power at a young age, began his brutal retaliation against his parents’ murderers and all those who opposed Clan Novaris. Eventually, once the steel and blood had settled, the ones that Conláed spared were left beaten, broken, and penniless, with no other option but to see Clan Novaris as the true ruling House of Wothe. Alas, the worst was not behind them, for the fallout from the Colossus’ destructive retribution against the smallfolk within Eurithan brought upon them The Convergence Event.     This event shattered coastlines, fractured the grounds, and turned the tallest mountains to rubble. The ruin that came from Wothe had the people enraged, out for Colossi blood, and turned to their master - Conláed. The young Jarl, in his infinite tactical wisdom, assembled forces to attempt to slay the Colossus that dominated their lands - Dural, the Wrathful King, or so the people called it, War drums bellowed, blades clashed against shields, and a blazing call of the horn sent thousands to sure oblivion. The battle, fierce, bloody, returned only a few broken souls from the Battle of the Obarion Gulch, torn asunder by Dural’s unstoppable might. This, however, stirred the fiery youth that led them, returning to the battlefield with aggression and brutal efficiency. The Siege of Folin’s Weald saw the might of Wothe cascade across the Colossi’s immense frame, fracturing its flesh, but with hours drawing into days, the fatalities grew increasingly within Dural’s favour once again. With a final push, Conláed utilised an ancient alchemical weapon to obliterate the primordial unbreakable skin - causing it to retreat. Yet, despite this minor victory, Conláed’s people had suffered losses unlike any they have before, and called the battle a necessary draw - in the hopes to rally the people into another battlecry.     Grief stricken, the people refused, and left the young Novaris alone to contemplate his next action against the mighty beast that trampled mountains as if ant hills. One night, the people of Wothe awoke to a mighty earthquake, unlike any other - one that shattered hills and crumpled homes. As they looked out over the midnight horizon, they saw a light burning like a thousand suns, silhouetted by a large, dark, pillar of stone. Dural had returned. Within moments, the grounds cracked and fractured as the onerous warcry of the colossus echoed across the land as it plunged its great blade deep into the land. The lands shook with unimaginable force, fissures of magma and hellish flame spouted hundreds of feet into the air, clouding the sky in thick ash, as the place they called home began to break into pieces. The lands fractured away from Eurithan, pushed out into the oblivious oceans beyond through the mysterious fog that lay across the distant horizon.     As Wothe drifted endlessly towards the unknown, the land broke apart, shattering into large continents of their own. The fog cleared as they emerged across it, the lands ground and chiseled by cragged lands that lay within it, and came to a comfortable stop - adrift in a tropical ocean. With his power now fractured, the young Jarl sought to reclaim his lands, but it would not be for some time before the society that he had built before would return to the way it once was. But, this young to-be emperor had other plans for his new leaf. Declaring himself emperor, he assembled a council of aldermen, to advise upon the rebirth of his new empire. They chose to rebuild the land into a great society of scholars, soldiers, and philosophers, with grand monuments and palaces to show their power. Thus began the land of Novaria - named after the young emperor’s own vain call of ownership. Slowly, cities, towns, villages, hovels, and grand palaces began to sprout. First came the capital, the Great City of Aressa, complete with its towering architecture and aqueducts. Amongst it, grew society anew, business, laws, armies, royalty, and a new occurrence - magi." - Tales from the Realm: Novarian Empire, Ludan Nillith.
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