Gorivax Character in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Gorivax (a.k.a. The Infernal One)

Gorivax was born in Nexalia, in the early years of Urithan. He later began to rule an island that would one day be known as Nexalia. To the tribal folk of Nexalia, Gorivax had such power that he was worshipped as a God, to which you can find some remnants of to this day.   The Cultists would traditionally offer girls with to the dragon as an offering. He collected the girls with the greatest amount of innate magical potential and twisted their forms into dragonborn. It is believed by many that the first dragonborn were made by the hand of Gorivax. It is still up to debate on whether or not this was true.   While the other children were content to remain with Gorivax, there was one who wished for freedom - Kernava. When given ample opportunity she fled his domain, escaping both Gorivax and from her past life. Enraged at Kernava's disloyalty, Gorivax sent out his cultists to find her, but, even after years of searching he could not find the spry, young, Dragonborn.   Kernava after achieving great wealth during her travels had settled down on a sort of retirement in a small village in a continent the what would later be known as Aldmeria. Then one fateful day Gorivax and his followers attacked the village. The guards and all the local had been slaughtered. Despite her valiant efforts Kernava was recaptured by Gorivax.   However, one day, his cultists made their way to the newly founded Aldmeria, a holy land, and found Kernava. She was captured in the night, and brought before the Ancient Dragon once more. Now, Gorivax could finally complete his plan for true immortality. He gathered Kernava and six other dragonborns he deemed worthy, and refined their hearts in to what would be known as the seven souls of Gorivax.   He had achieved his life's ambition, but not before the Seven Seekers caught up to him; destroying most of the "souls", and slew the Dracolich. Or so they thought...   One heart was missing, so how do they know he was truly destroyed, and hasn't remained among us all this time?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gorivax is gigantic, sporting a great, thick, set of armoured scales in his fully regenerated form. In his base form, he is a skeletal aberration engulfed by necrotic flames.

Body Features

Gorivax's scales are bright, dynamite red. His breast flares up with veins of flame when he growls. His wings can cause great gusts of wind.

Facial Features

Gorivax has a tough, armoured hide that protects his snout. He has a set of razor sharp teeth that can cleave men in twine.

Identifying Characteristics

Gorivax has a large scar across his breast from his battle with the Garland Knight.

Physical quirks

Gorivax tends to sway his head when he intends to kill, usually whilst moving forward towards his victims.

Special abilities

Gorivax has access to spellcasting and his powerful fire breath.

Apparel & Accessories

Gorivax has no attires.

Specialized Equipment

Gorivax is only proficient with his claws, bite, and fire breath.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gorivax, for as long as he has lived, has been power hungry and has sought out immortality in numerous ways. His attempts to become immortal came to fruition when his cultists gave him seven dragonborn women, and refined their hearts with his twisted magic.   These hearts were destroyed by the Garland Knight, Hromir, and Gorivax was slain. But rumours say that Hromir missed one heart, and that means that it is only time before Gorivax rises from his infernal prison.

Gender Identity

Gorivax identifies as male


Gorivax is asexual

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gorivax had almost accomplished true lich-hood with the seven hearts of the dragonborn women. He ruled over Nexalia for centuries before being thwarted by the Seekers.

Failures & Embarrassments

Gorivax was destroyed by the Garland Knight, and has been raging in his infernal prison since the day he was slain.

Mental Trauma

Gorivax has a fear of growing old and weak

Intellectual Characteristics

Gorivax is cunning and intelligent, utilising it to his advantage to seamlessly manipulate people.

Morality & Philosophy

"If it shines, it is mine. If it breathes, it belongs to me. I rule all!"


Gorivax has mutilated, tortured, and defiled many mortals. This was to achieve his dream of lich-hood.

Personality Characteristics


Gorivax wishes to become a lich, and to rule over all things alive and undead.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Gorivax is extremely proficient with his vile spellcasting and experimentation. He is inept at seeing the morality of his actions.

Likes & Dislikes

Gorivax loves gold and magical artefacts, but has a hatred of cursed heirlooms and dulled metal.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gorivax is extremely fast and mighty, able to strike a foe in seconds.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is addicted to his research and hoarding.

Personality Quirks

He seems to mutter to another version of himself when nobody is around.


Gorivax burns off any mud or filth from his hide.


Contacts & Relations

He has contact with the Order of the Shroud, an ancient organisation of Ancient Chromatic Dragons.

Family Ties

Gorivax has no blood relatives.

Religious Views

Gorivax follows Tiamat, Queen of Dragons, and the Undying Dragon, Tiavati.

Social Aptitude

Gorivax is extremely reclusive but can hold himself in a conversation, turning it to his advantage.

Hobbies & Pets

Gorivax has slaves and cultists that he considers pets. His hobby is his research.


His voice is deep and threatening.

Wealth & Financial state

As an Ancient Dragon, Gorivax has a large reserve of wealth. Nobody knows where it is though, or how much he has.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Infernal One
Year of Birth
2000000 2001658 Years old
Current Residence
The Nine Hells
Fire red
700 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Gorivax knows Draconic, Common, Deep Speech, and Infernal. He speaks them all fluently.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Travis Willingham

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