Ormen Settlement in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Don't touch the Three Urns...


Human - 30% Elf - 20% Half-Elf - 15% Dwarf - 15% Dragonborn - 15% Monsters - 5%


The small governing power in Ormen is that of the Cult of the Shattered God, people who have strayed from the original intent of the ancient organisation. They control the normal populace with a malicious grip, often sacrificing people who double cross them to their "Shattered God". They have no laws in place, but demand that tribute be paid to their god every second week.


The Cult of the Shattered God has defended the hamlet since their integration, stopping others getting in.

Industry & Trade

No trade remains, but once had smithing, wine making, and baking as its forefront industry.


Ormen was once the most promising hamlet in the Novarian Colony of Nexalia, with many trade roads that connected to multiple tribal villages, making it a safe spot for trade between villages. They had many wells bored and had a bustling religious community, dedicated to their pantheon of gods.   It has since fallen to disrepair since the cult took its foothold in the hamlet, the local monastery taken over by them, and all tapestries and figures of the Nexalian gods torn asunder, asides one that they could not break - an ancient, ever burning candle. This candle remains the people's last beacon of hope under the tyranny of these zealots.


Fresh water, holy water, wine, baked wares, glassware, and small forged arms.

Guilds and Factions

The Cult of the Shattered God


The hamlet of Ormen was created by an Orcish tribe centuries ago, but was pillaged by a rival town, and turned into a comfortable place for all races, held together under a mantle of religion. This place was visited by many explorers and merchants, wishing to see the haven amongst the dense rainforests of Nexalia.   There are legends surrounding this place, primarily one regarding the birthplace of the Garland Knight, but that rumour has been debunked by scholars and Hromir, the Garland Knight, himself. There are other legends that linger around, but nobody has wished to look at the three urns in the Monastery of Ormen...


Small wooden homes, with a carved stone base. The monastery is made solely from stones, overgrown with creepers and flora on the external leaf.


Amidst the dense rain forest of Nexalia, the hamlet of Ormen is in a craved out clearing which has a substantial rocky floor, allowing buildings to be erected with ease. Water tables beneath the village are vast and replenished every few days from torrential downpour.

Natural Resources

Wood, grains, ore, and stone.


Location under

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