Greyforge Building / Landmark in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Where heroes are made

Deep in the heart of the Alabaster Gorge of Iudexal, lies a forgotten structure, cold and abandoned. This place, once the war machine that drove out dragons from Anderall now in ruin. Greyforge, untouched by mortal hands for millennia until a diary was uncovered - the journal of Nemlin.   Nemlin documented his findings as he descended deeper into the ancient ruin, slowly being driven mad as he reached the end - The Godforge. The diary picked up by the inquisitive artificer, Darron Medir, and slowly deciphered to uncover the secrets of what lie ahead.   What remains there, that remains to be seen. However, the journal mentions a Master, a being that trapped a god in chains. Perhaps, they may have the answer?

Purpose / Function

Greyforge was originally built to create weapons that could slay gods, dragons, and colossi. It was designed to be impenetrable from outside forces that wished to seize control of its power - traps and heavy doors pave the route to the heart of the structure.


The architecture of Greyforge appears to be otherworldly, however, has ancient Elvish design embossed with strange articulate lines that seem to run endlessly through the structure. The purpose of those lines, nobody knows. The teal paint that once held true has flaked away, revealing the marbled white and grey stone beneath.   A few walls are adorned with carved facings of ancient heroes, some of which have failed to stand the test of time.


Greyforge was built during the Wars of the Colossus, allowing the mortal beings of the world to aid their heroes in reclaiming their land and homes. It is in Greyforge that the most powerful artefacts were created, including the Sword of Kas.
Alternative Names
The Godforge

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