Kaeldor's Pass Settlement in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Kaeldor's Pass

The Half-mile Hellhole

Created by Mu
Many would think of this fortified village to be that of a well-guarded and lawful place, however, upon closer inspection, it is the complete opposite of what you had wished for. Any expensive wares you have may vanish without a sound, and by the time you make it through the short half-mile, you could be penniless.   You'll remember to run faster next time.


91% Human, 5% Dwarf, 4% Elf


The governing power in Kaeldor's Pass is money. Money buys silence, people, wares, services, and some illicit favours. It is ruled by a criminal band known as the Silver Fingers, who exploit unwary merchants and rob people blind when conducting a sale or performing a service.


A group of 30-strong corrupted guardsmen and women, who watch over 15ft high walls crafted from logs.

Industry & Trade

Much passing trade flows through this small settlement, but tend to leave with much less than they came in with. The inner workings of the village are steeped in criminal activity, and most of them remain anonymous.


The Silver Fingers have created a vast network of corrupt guards, working for their benefit. Everyone who comes by this place must pay a toll fee, which differs for each person that comes through.


Kaeldor's Pass has a trove of illegal goods, criminally acquired gold, and a relatively well-equipped guard.

Guilds and Factions

The Silver Fingers


Kaeldor's Pass was once a military base that worked as a halfway point for screening before people could access Pash Vaelenor. Now, ironically, if you have the coin, you can get anyone through to Pash Vaelenor.


Strong stone structures that could withstand a few trebuchet shots.


A flattened out hill peak, levelled forestry around them, giving the inhabitants clear view of the areas surrounding.

Natural Resources

Wood from the nearby forests as well as hunting game.
Alternative Name(s)
Thieves' Gate
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations

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