Three Thieves Inn Building / Landmark in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Three Thieves Inn

Home is where the heart bleeds

Created by Mu
The dangers of Kaeldor's Pass condense in this toughened establishment. Murderers, thieves, and tricksters galore, the home of gang conflicts and many broken bottles.   But, out of all the vile patrons, you must be wary of only one... The old lady in the corner.

Purpose / Function

The Inn was designed to house the more seedy residents of the town of Kaeldor's Pass. It serves less than satisfactory flat beer, stale ale, and sour wines. The food is sub-par, that even the dogs won't eat it.   It is also the hub of illicit dealings within the town, some of which do not go down well and end in some of the bloodiest bar fights in Vaelen.


The inn has been renovated numerous times, due to excessive damages, arson incidents, and guild ownership changing hands. Currently, it is owned by Silver Fingers spy, Dwellen "Denny" Murcroft, who has made the place a more comfortable safe zone for the many criminal gangs of Kaeldor's Pass.   New plastered walls have been painted with a toughened white coating, the tables, chairs, and bar have all been restored with Meridian Dark Oak, a stronger, mountainous breed of the common Dark Oak, intentionally put in to resist the countless bottle breaks, head bashing, and drink sliding that the surfaces will see.


Similar to the strong stone structures of the town, the Three Thieves Inn has the structural components of a stone frame, held together by lime mortar. The difference between the town and the inn is the external features, masquerading as a timber structure, with thin strips of wood and plaster disguising the inn as the frailest building, where in fact, it is just as resistant to external damage as the buildings beside it.


The Three Thieves Inn was built over 80 years ago, originally called "Passing Trade Inn", before an event spawned a folk tale amongst the denizens of Kaeldor's Pass. During a busy night in the town, a trio of thieves decided to break into the inn, to steal its profits and expensive spirits during the owner's night away to restock. After a long, thorough, break in, the thieves managed to access the cellar of the inn, inspecting many of the kegs to spy any expensive liquors. By the time they reached the main floor, the bar, they had alerted the tavern's owner - a Drow known amongst locals as "Grey" - who was returning back from one of her sleazy merchants to stock up her stores.   Those who entered for a quick cash fix ended up paying the ultimate price as they were hunted down and mercilessly, as well as messily, slaughtered by the owner's fast dual dagger skills.   Today, the inn has become the most notorious bar in Kaeldor's Pass, the friendly sign of three skulls with red daggers through them standing out on the main road through the town. And, despite the countless changes in ownership, an older Grey remains an almost permanent patron amongst the crooked rabble that drink and brawl there.   Anything you do, just know that Grey will be watching, her trusty daggers always at her side.
Alternative Names
Passing Trade Inn
Parent Location

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