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Fortified, Sanctified.

Created by Mu
Midfort, the second oldest settlement in the Meridian Valley. Its walls impenetrable, its people crafty and intuitive, and its guards unwavering. The getting in is the hard part, the getting out is easy, just hope you don't hear the dreaded word:   "HALT!"


85% Elf, 5% Dwarf, 5% Human, 3% Halfling, 2% Gnome


Midfort is controlled by the stratocratic (military) government of Pash Vaelenor, found only five miles away. From there, people are taxed around 30% of their annual income, funding the powerhouse military group that continues to govern. With that money, Midfort's walls are heavily guarded, their streets devoid of crime, and the people are well fed.


A 3m thick perimeter wall surrounds the village, protecting its inhabitants from outside forces. A large band of guards patrol on a regular basis, uprooting crime caused by the Brass Lions and investigating disturbances. They are often known for their aggressive, protocol driven actions, often stopping outsiders from entering with a lack of insight, solely for the protection of the people of Midfort.

Industry & Trade

The village of Midfort has an industrious and successful armour crafting community, handcrafting leather and hide armours to a pristine and masterful grade. They once crafted chainmail shirts, but that has stopped a year prior due to the death of the Gnomish artisan, Hibble Snickerdoot, the man who forged these wonders.


The village of Midfort is surrounded by a robust masonry wall, about 3m thick. Within those walls, a grid of streets helps people navigate the hundreds of buildings within, of those buildings, some of them have been reinforced with weapons grade steel, its infrastructure hard to destroy via siege weapons.   There exists many wells centred amongst crossroads, where the water is kept pure by clerics, and beneath is a long sewage line that runs towards a farm not too far away, fertilising the land.


Large troves of military equipment, stored in an underground vault beneath the Guards' Barracks.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Vaelenorian Army
  • The Armourers Guild
  • The Brass Lion


The village of Midfort was made a few years after the Convergence, in response to protecting the people of the Meridian Valley from the Blood and Arcana Wars. The dense wall was once enchanted to withstand violent spell attacks and siege weapons, but that has since faded away due to the clerics who maintained the spell have since moved on to greener pastures, with their legacy carved into the interior face of the walls in a glorious portrayal of their actions during those difficult, dangerous times.   The people of Midfort came from all over the Meridian Valley, as refugees, thoroughly screened for any connections to enemy organisations, or potential threats to order within the confines of the village walls. Those who got through have descendants who have remained happily within those walls hundreds of years later. Those who did not make it in were either killed on the spot, or died during the harrowing battles of the times.


The entirety of the structures within the walls of Midfort are crafted from a hybrid of steel, masonry, and timber. These buildings are all single storey, to maintain structural integrity at an optimal level, and hides the rooftops behind the tall wall that guards the exterior of the settlement, making it hard for siege technicians to target specific locations within the walls.   The homes have small patches of grass that they grow flowers, vegetables, or other flora, and manage to admire it from the windows that were installed courtesy of the stratocracy of Pash Vaelenor. The intent of this, however, was not to admire bouquets of flowers, but was to instead keep watch for guardsmen or the town crier.


Midfort was built on a steep hill, that has been levelled at the top. The hillsides nearby are home to many farmers who provide for the people of Midfort, and are payed by the government for their efforts, and a hefty sum at that. A mountain spring streams down from the Meridian Valley's hills, soaking into a reservoir beneath the hill, to which the people have tapped into with wells.   From the top of the Southern Gate, one can admire the vast expanse of the Meridian Valley, seeing all of the trees and rolling fog that streaks over the tall peaks. From the Northern Gate, you see only the distant city of Pash Vaelenor, and its grand walls that tower like a mountain, keeping a watchful eye over the rest of the Valley.

Natural Resources

Wood from the southern forest, just past Kaeldor's Pass, stone from the hillsides, and leather from the farmlands outside of the village walls.
Characters in Location

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